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06-22-2004, 12:01 PM
I was using my PC on my hood a couple of days ago. I first used DACP on my hood with a yellow pad and that took off the micro scratches. Upon further inspection I had to go a little more agressive and picked up a carbrite product called Turbo Cut. I did a small portion of the hood where the swirl was more predominant. After I was done doing the small spot I noticed under light that their was a cloudy effect on my hood where I was working the product extra, mind you I made sure I didn`t work it dry and was wondering what it may be. Was it due to the pad product combo.

PS sorry I don`t have any pictures to show you what I am talking about

06-22-2004, 02:51 PM
The cloudy effect you describe could well be a result of the pad and product combo, plus you might not have worked the product in well enough.

It`s quite normal to get couding when using an aggressive product with a cutting pad. Just go over the area again with your DACP (or maybe a slightly less aggressive product) on a polishing pad, that should sort out the problem. If you use DACP, make sure you work it in until it virtually disappears.