View Full Version : Menzerna FP users

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06-21-2004, 07:49 PM
Do you guys get dusting when using FP with the PC on 5? I tested it on the hood today with a white pad and noticed after a few minutes of buffing I saw dust going on the paint surface? Should I stop buffing when I see dust? Can I buff over the dust or will that just marr the paint? Or should I have used the spur tool as soon as I see the dust coming from the pad? The hood is nice and shiney but I`ll have to see how it looks under the sun.

06-21-2004, 08:21 PM
the dust may be because the polish is drying up. Try to stop before you see that. If necesary add more polish. The key is to buff up to right before that point

06-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Is FP buffed until you see a haze or until it disappears?

So basically, I`ll just add a ring or "X" of polish whenever I see dust coming out of the pad and onto the paint surface. I saw dust come out of the pad when I used DACP too. Should I add more DACP whenever that happens?

06-21-2004, 09:07 PM
Are you misting the pad w/water? I just finished my black Cad. and never saw any dust. Pad was too damp to dust.

See instructions at: www.properautocare.com

06-21-2004, 09:15 PM
yup I always mist the pad. Maybe I didn`t mist it enough or i should frequently mist the pad every few minutes

06-21-2004, 09:21 PM
i just had my first experience with FP yesterday and today. yesterday for some reason i got a ton of dust, most was when the the pad hit the tape i layed down on the plastic moldings.

today i didnt have nearly as much dust. i followed this thread to a T http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24209, and it worked great.

i basically misted the pad with two sprays of QD, put four coin sized dots on the pad in the "corners" smeared it to cover the area i was working on. then worked it in at 3 for 3-4 passes a fairly quick pace.

then i stopped it, turned it up to 5 and worked it slowly like in the tutorial for 3-4 passes.... alternative side to side, then up and down, repeat.

06-21-2004, 09:26 PM
Oh yea, the pad was too dry. FP should be wet when it`s worked.

Here is a VERY good write-up on Menzerna complete with pics. It was done via PC.

Menzerna Tutorial by Dr Jones (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=24209&perpage=18&pagenumber=1)

Review this thread and correct your dry pad and give it a try again.

Menzerna works best with a rotary, but it will work with a PC with a bit more knowledge and practice. Menzerna polishes are one of the best out there, but it does take the knowledge of which one to use, how to use it. Once you get the hang of it, you will be very pleased with the results.



06-25-2004, 04:33 PM
That was a very good tutorial! I tried FP on a section on my truck. Instead of water, I used Eagle 1 Wipe n shine QD and it had very good lubricity and I experienced no dusting at all!

06-25-2004, 05:50 PM
There is a difference between FP I and FP II. I have both and find that you can work FP II much longer before it dusts up. What one are you using?

06-25-2004, 06:56 PM

In this thread I describe the process I used most recently.

CMA`s web site says FP II now contains oils to allow it to be worked longer, but I believe oil is a filler. I want all fillers removed by my last-step-polish before applying any finish, just to see if I have missed any marring. This then gives me one more chance to remove it before sealing it under a finish. When FP II was announced I phoned CMA to see if they had any FP I left. They did, so ordered 4 32 oz bottles for my personal use stash (big grin).

06-25-2004, 10:04 PM
Good link Gonzo!

Yeah I read about FP II having oils. Guess I`m gonna have to stick with FP II. WHen I ordered my FP I didn`t know they had a 2nd version until I got the bottle(from the ups guy of course).

06-27-2004, 06:09 AM
Has anyone contacted menzerna USA to confirm that any of the oils contribute to filling?

That would really blow if FPII has filler... The reason I used the FP in the past is I wanted an ultra-fine polish with NO fillers whatsoever.

Time to contact Menzerna USA for the truth!



06-27-2004, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Deanski

Has anyone contacted menzerna USA to confirm that any of the oils contribute to filling?

I could be wrong, so don`t bet your life on this ;) but as I recall, somebody *did* look into this and the answer was that the "oils" only help make the FPII easier to use, are not "fillers", and should not cause any bonding problems.

A more thorough search than I`m gonna do should turn up that thread, unless it got lost during one of our downtimes.

If it`s a big deal, you could always experiment with the old 50/50 spritzer, see if it makes any difference (such as marring reappearing).

06-27-2004, 06:48 PM
When I ordered FP II from CMA I talked to the person about if FP II had fillers and I was told it didn`t. I purchased a 32oz bottle and they gave me a sample bottle of FP I to try out and compare. The final results were the same from both products. I used 50/50 water and iso alc. to remove product from the paint and didn`t see any filling being removed from either product.

There are some very noticeable differences though. The color is totaly different. FP I is very Dark almost black and FP II is very light almost white. FP I is thicker. FP II can be worked longer before it dusts.

I dont know if this is an indication of a product having fillers but I noticed FP I was much more difficult to clean out of my pads than FP II was. This could be because of the darker color. FP II washed right out just running it under the tap. FP I required some dawn to get it out of the pad.

06-28-2004, 08:15 AM
FPII leaves my paint the "squeakiest" out of any other polish so I`ve always assumed it leaves the least oil, filler, whatever out of any other polish I use.