View Full Version : Perfect finish by hand

06-21-2004, 11:43 AM
I`m trying to get my paint as close to perfect as possible by hand. So let me start off by saying that I don`t have a Porter Cable. I don`t have access to one. I don`t know anyone who has one. I`m not going to buy one (at least not right now :)) Everything is going to be done by HAND.

Now with that being said, I will be working on a Miata with single stage paint. No clearcoat. This is the plan of attack:



3M Perfect-It Fine Cut Compound

Menzerna Final Polish

Klasse AIO

Klasse SG


The paint has swirls and some oxidation that is probably a result of fallout and what not. Does anyone have any suggestions on products other than these that will work better? Any help would be great. Also, if anyone is familiar with Perfect-It, how do you use it by hand? Small sections at a time with circular motions or back and forth?
