View Full Version : Help! I screwed up...

06-21-2004, 11:04 AM
Hi everyone... I`m usually just a lurker... and I did do a search, but I`m in some trouble and couldn`t find what I needed :(

A couple weekends ago my friend brought her Jeep Cherokee Laredo over and I told her I would help her detail it. I noticed a ton of tar on the Jeep due to her working on a military base in Kentucky so I got out my `Gunk` tar and bug remover. Well, it worked like a charm on the paint, and I used a soft cloth to get the tar spots off. On the bottom plastic side skirts, however, that`s a different story. It was a little tougher to do so we decided that I would try the scrounge pad from the kitchen that she had just used on the wheels. I used the `Gunk` stuff and the pad, and it scuffed up the paneling a bit and dried it out big time. I put some wax over the top of it thinking that I might be able to buff the scratches out a bit, but I think that made it worse. I feel HORRIBLE and I`m about sick over it. She`ll be up in a few weeks and I need to see if I can fix it myself. Does anyone have any suggestions? I have no pictures of the damage. I will admit this, if you put Meguire`s plastic polish on it, it looks A TON better and barely noticable, but I want something that will be semi-permanent if possible.

I was told to try rubbing compound, but I`m not sure whether to believe that or not. Am I screwed? Is this something a professional detailer can help with?

Thanks in advance!!!!


06-21-2004, 11:12 AM
Hi Lurker,

If the plastic cladding is scarred by the Scotchbrite pad (or whatever it was), there is no easy fix to repair it. Once plastic is damaged like that, its usually permanent. My suggestion is to fix it as best you can with the plastic polish.

Let us know how things go for you.

06-21-2004, 11:15 AM
Thank you for your response... ! I`m so bummed :wall

06-21-2004, 11:44 AM
You can try using a compound to alleviate some of the abrasions on ths surface. Do it by hand if you aren`t sure. It should help to diminish the problem. Also, follow up with polish like mezerna or AIO and coat of wax. should look a lot better than before. Good luck!:wavey

06-21-2004, 12:07 PM
like bret said, once you damage the plastic, it`s permanent. all you can do is dress it to hide it. sorry!