View Full Version : zaino dust issue... ahh haa!

06-20-2004, 10:53 AM
ok so it seems every time I was the car (late evening) by time i get up in the morning its completely covered in large dust particles regardless of if the wind was blowing or what. I can Z6 the poo out of it and it still collects dust. So you know what? I`m going to move lol I can`t stand this dust anymore! I did swipe the car real quick with a duster but I noticed some fine marring comming back so I`ll just let it collect dust from now on....

Anyways... my theory is this. I live in the desert, and despite the Z6`s anti static properties, dust just swarms to my car. Its the humidity, or lack of, that I think is causing the problem. I think back on when I had a garage and sh*t collected dust like mad in there too! I think the most humidity we`ve had so far since spring hit has een 13%.... and air that dry is just full of static (you can ask my hair about that :mad: ) Now I could be wrong and it could just be the zaino.

When I detailed it in Oklahoma it was parked outside every day and then moved into a garage at night for three days and it was just as clean as the day I detailed it! Until I got back here that is and it was dusty within 5 minutes lol.

So to remedy this, I`m moving to Oklahoma, where the humid weather and abundance of grass and trees and greenery (meaning lack of standing sand and dirt all over) will keep my car dust free.

That is all

06-20-2004, 11:41 AM
Now that`s dedication! :LOLOL

06-20-2004, 12:41 PM
Why don`t you try a product other than Zaino before you go through the trouble of moving? :confused:

06-20-2004, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by BluHeaven

So to remedy this, I`m moving to Oklahoma, where the humid weather and abundance of grass and trees and greenery (meaning lack of standing sand and dirt all over) will keep my car dust free.

Now your car will just be green from all the pollen.


06-20-2004, 01:45 PM
hehe... nah I`m not moving for the car lol... although it will be nice to finally have a garage!!!!

I`m just sick and tired of new mexico... I have nothing keeping me here... no friends, no family, just broke up with my boyfriend of 5 years, no job.... my parents and sister all live in Ok so I`m going to stay with them for a while and save some money, then move down to Texas and finish my BA.

Then I`ll just take the car to ScottWax :xyxthumbs

06-20-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by 04BlackAV

Now your car will just be green from all the pollen.


Hell... I think that problem exists wherever you go!! I just went through a month of pollen and sap here and now its cottonwood.... at least everything in OK is done blooming out already.

06-21-2004, 11:37 AM
I found zaino`s anti static qualities poor. I would always have to s100 as a topper to help repel dust. As well my cali duster..

06-21-2004, 04:29 PM
Hey BH, just move up here to Seattle... always wet! No dust problems then! You say you broke up with you BF, well, I`m single too! I could show you around up here ;)

Anyway, I found that Klasse works best for just about everything... including dust! I put it on my wheels as well; to repel brake dust! It`s great stuff.