View Full Version : Black Leather Seats, Z-10 Problem

06-19-2004, 11:20 PM
I love the smell of Z-10 and have used it on a couple of my cars seats, with great results. Until now........

I recently bought a Lexus RX330 with black leather. I put Z-10 on it, and the next time I use the truck, I can see were my rear rubbed all the Z-10 off (well after it had dried). Looks kinda milky....

My wife sat in the passenger seat and after she got up, I could actually see the pocket on here pants, stiching and all, in the image left on the leather. It wipes right off with a new application, but everytime it just wears right off the first time you sit on it.

Any other products out there I sould try. I am really looking to protect the leather against premature cracking, etc....

06-19-2004, 11:37 PM
I am using 4* leather conditioner, it smells great not too leathery.

Are you buffing off after you apply the conditioner?

06-20-2004, 02:42 PM
I don`t think its the product neccessarily, even though I believe it says you son`t need to buff I still do cause there always appear to be a residue even if I let them sit and dry. With Z-10 I apply work in real well, let dry a few hours and then come back and buff! Hope that helps By the way I love Z-10 its my favorite leather product for smell and doesn`t leave the seats too shiny!

06-20-2004, 09:01 PM
I`ll try buffing. I`m sure that will work, since it is my rear that is causing the marks. Once I buff off the residue, it will look fine.

Thanks for the help.

06-21-2004, 08:36 AM
I think you may just want to try to clean off the seats a little better, wipe off any excessive cleaner/conditioner. I have black leather seats too and I never had that problem. I always use two different towels to wipe the stuff off, one to get is looking non-milky and then another just to get the rest of the stuff off.

07-06-2004, 07:52 AM
some seats come with a protective coating over the leather already,so maybe u should ask lexus if their seats are manufactured with that coating on them, because if they are, then the conditioner wont soak into the seat. maybe thats why everytime u sit on it, the stuff wipes off...

07-06-2004, 08:09 AM
~One man’s opinion / observations ~

NavindraLR, I agree, that would explain Z-10’sinability to penetrate the ‘leather’.

Vinyl-topped Leather: Some leather being used in domestic automobiles has a top veneer of vinyl. This should be considered a vinyl interior and treated with a vinyl dressing. Do not use a leather conditioner on vinyl-topped leather; the conditioning oils cannot penetrate the vinyl coating to reach the leather. Clean and condition only the leather surfaces. If you`re not sure if your car`s leather is vinyl coated, check with your car dealer or the manufacturer.

Identifying characteristics- this is a man-made fabric of plastic and cloth. You can identify vinyl by its highly uniform grain pattern; the surface will have a slick feel to it. The backside of the vinyl is lined with a cloth/fabric backing. If you have any cracks or cuts, you can see the fabric backing (usually white in colour)

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/ Jon

justadumbarchitect * so I question everything *

Matt M, PA
07-06-2004, 01:02 PM
TOGWT...not to hi-jack the thread, as I use the Z-10.

Considering that both the Cobra and GTS must have coated leathers, would I be better off using 303 instead? The Cobra has leather-alcantera seats, and I am very careful not to get any of the Z10 on the "suede". Maybe 303 would be easier to apply.

07-06-2004, 02:45 PM
Maybe your butt is really sweaty? :D