View Full Version : Just ordered my PC

imported_Willy d
06-18-2004, 02:56 PM
I just ordered My PC and can`t wait to get it. I all so ordered a bunch of Lake county pads and some #83. Can`t wait to get started have been doing this by hand.:bounce

06-18-2004, 03:21 PM
Cool congratulations,

some of the before and after pics on the howto on this website are truly truly spectacular!!

06-18-2004, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by Willy d

I just ordered My PC and can`t wait to get it. I all so ordered a bunch of Lake county pads and some #83. Can`t wait to get started have been doing this by hand.:bounce

I used to do it all by hand, and the difference the PC makes will blow you away. Not only the results, but the fact that your arm won`t be tired and you really won`t want to cheat (like doing a cleaner wax only on the rockers, etc). Its so easy to use, you`ll wonder why you didn`t get one sooner.

06-18-2004, 03:34 PM
what about the dangers of it?

like removing too much material?

how much of a fine line are you walking with such a powerful machine?

06-18-2004, 03:39 PM
I`m in the same boat. I received my PC last week and my pads this week. The first deatail is on my girl`s black Pathfinder. That`s tomorrows project. I really hope the PC lives up to it`s rep.


06-18-2004, 04:00 PM
Originally posted by uflraptor

I`m in the same boat. I received my PC last week and my pads this week. The first deatail is on my girl`s black Pathfinder. That`s tomorrows project. I really hope the PC lives up to it`s rep.


The one piece of advice I have for all new PC users is that the machine will do wonders, but it will not do wonders fast. It does not build up heat and as a result, products must really be worked in. If your looking for something to cut your polish time by 75%, this is not it. However, with proper products and pads and time, you will be floored at the results you can achieve.

06-19-2004, 08:18 PM
I too just ordered my PC. I placed my order with autopia-carcare.com and got pads + CBT bonnets too. I plan to use it with Zaino. I can`t wait to see the difference it makes, both in effort and results! :D