View Full Version : DACP Procedure

06-18-2004, 09:13 AM
Well I finally bought DACP and #9. I really don`t need them yet for our cars but my son`s friends cars present wonderful opportunities to try new stuff and practice techniques (most of the finishes are in reall bad shape).

Regardless, I have DACP and #9 (primarily because I read that sometimes DACP clouds), a PC and Pads. I have read through a large number of posts with many mentioons of DACP but very few provide good methods for (detailed)hand or machine application procedures.

Posts from you expert users will greatly be appreciated!

06-18-2004, 10:32 AM
Here is a link to some Meguiar`s videos that show proper machine application techniques for DACP. You need RealPlayer to view them, and can download it at the same link, if necessary.


Hope that helps.


06-18-2004, 11:02 AM
I would also like some advice for doing it by hand!

06-18-2004, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by ZJ JIM 96

Here is a link to some Meguiar`s videos that show proper machine application techniques for DACP. You need RealPlayer to view them, and can download it at the same link, if necessary.

Thanks Jim, I plan on using a PC instead of a rotary but I assume the technique is similar.

I am looking for more specifics with a PC like: apply an x acrross the pad, when to raise or lower speed, how to know when I`ve worked it enough ... etc..

06-20-2004, 06:28 PM
Come on DACP users / experts, help us novices out!

06-20-2004, 07:16 PM

Have you tried using the "search" button yet? There is tons of help/advice/tips/pitfalls already written. Just a little reading and you will acquire the combined experience of hundreds of DACP users

06-25-2004, 06:36 AM
Yes I did do a search and yes there is tons of information but that is the problem. There was so much information to go through that I gave up after an hour or so of looking and decided to post the question. I did get some helpful tips here and there but no clearly defined technique. Since it appears no one will be responding directly, I`ll go back to searching.

06-25-2004, 07:03 AM
Since it appears no one will be responding directly, I`ll go back to searching.

You don`t have to take your toys and go home. I just ran a search using the terms "DACP," "technique," and "speed," and it was difficult to *not find* the proper steps.

Perhaps you would be better off doing a little reading and practicing. It is very difficult to impossible to do any damage with the PC. Take the rudimentary suggestions offered by past expertise (5" line of DACP, mist pad, start speed at 4.5-5.5, work `til gone...etc...) and see if you are happy with your results. Then, assuming you are displeased, post a question to that effect ("DACP was difficult to remove" or "swirls are gone, but now I have a haze" etc...).

Autopia would simply be too cumbersome to wade through if *every* "introduction to product" question was answered directly. Good luck, and keep us posted on results, or lack thereof:D

06-25-2004, 07:07 AM
Click the "Learn!" icon at the top of the page. It will take you to a bunch of articles. One is on using the PC.