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06-19-2004, 10:23 PM
OK this is short notice but I am having a few people over this weekend for some detailing...you are more than welcome to come over if you would like. It is Sat. the 26th. Let me know if you want to come or not...the invite is open to anybody. I plan on buying a bunch of hamburgs and the likes. I have a Rotary, Cyclo, PC adn quite a few pads, polishes, ect. If you want you can feel free to use whatever I have.

06-20-2004, 12:05 AM
oh yeah B.Y.O.B. :D

06-20-2004, 07:37 PM
Sweet, i would love to come, but i have ta work. thanks for the offer though scottabir... Ordinarily i would definately take you up on that. I`m in Alpena btw, a nice 4-4.5 hours from you. Thanks again for the offer, and sorry i cant come this time.

So today i was bored, so i put on some hand polish and some #16 over it, and the hand polish filled in some of the scratches, but in bright light you can still see them really well. When its cloudy or getting darker out its not so bad, but i guess theres nothing i can really do about it unless i get a PC (or use someone elses) or get something really agressive by hand. Oh well, i tried.

BTW, when i was wiping off the #16, it was leaving some wierd towel marks after all the residue was gone. Is this normal, or did i not wait long enough? My only other though is that maybe i didnt let the hand polish completely dry, but when i was wiping the towel over the polish it wasn`t streaking anymore like it does when its wet... Oh well, it looks ok now. Just wondering if the streaking is normal.

tb's type-s
06-20-2004, 09:39 PM
I havnt ever had #16 streak but maybe other people have.


06-20-2004, 10:37 PM
maybe we can set-up a date in the future for everyone to get together.

I haven`t tried #16 so I dont know about its wipe-off tricks. What kind of towel were you using to wipe it off with?

06-21-2004, 05:46 AM
Originally posted by LightngSVT

Prometheus, maybe we could arrange a Michigan detail day? Get a group together and detail, that way you would have access to a PC. I should be getting mine this weekend, I`d be willing to let you try it if we have a meet. Some defects are just to severe to get out by hand so dont be to discouraged.

Sounds good. I`m assisting in a falcon car club detail day with the help of city car detailers in adelaide. Our club has alot of members with the entire falcon model range covered from XK - BA and alot need better care. By doing this, those who attend will learn how to properly wash, dry, repair and enhance their car`s total appearance. The upside is that If all goes well I will be selling the products we use to them, including all 18 I currently use plus a pile more I am getting shortly including wolfgang, poorboys, wurth and Autosmart.