View Full Version : Got my order, and ? bout #81

06-16-2004, 06:20 PM
So i got my shipment of stuff from Megs today (clay, #9, #81, and :bow #16 :bow , i love that stuff), and everything came out of the box ok (even though the box was beat to s**t, thanks a lot UPS), and everything looks great. The #16 smells like crayons like its supposed to (its blue, too, and ive only ever seen gray, but whatever), #9, well, it doesnt really smell, but #81, holy cow, that stuff really smells. Smells like modeling clay and REALly fresh paint, and its kinda a puke green color (spose you could call it avacado). Is it supposed to look and smell like this? I dont see why not, but i jsut though id ask. Thanks in advance.

06-16-2004, 08:31 PM
Thats how my #81 is. Thats how its supposed to be from my understanding.

06-16-2004, 08:58 PM
Cool, just wondering. The funky green color looked a little strange to me... thanks though.