View Full Version : Paint Damage From BUG(?) poop???

06-14-2004, 11:00 AM
Ok this is a very odd question i know but let me tell you what is happening. I noticed a few weeks ago after i washed my truck i came out the next morning and there were odd black little spots on my hood and roof. When i removed them with QD it appeared that they had etched my paint as you could see a perfect spot where they had been sitting. Well my first thought was tree sap so i moved to a different spot in my yard the next night and they disappeared for a couple of days but there they were again. Now i am not happy. But i did notice many bugs dead on my hood each morning. So my question is this could bug poop be causing this problem and if so has anyone experienced this and how in the world do i stop it??

06-14-2004, 11:03 AM
It`s not splattered love bugs?

06-14-2004, 11:21 AM

Strange .. I guess it could be bug droppings but I`ve never experienced. Those must be some pretty big bugs you have there.

06-14-2004, 11:22 AM
no no its on top of the hood it looks like little drops kinda like sap but its not it happens when my truck sits outside with out being driven.

06-14-2004, 12:40 PM
This might be gypsy moth larva droppings. If you notice a lot of damaged leaves and some blackish caterpillars in the trees you are parking under, it is possibly that. Put a small piece of paper on the hood and see if there aren`t small dark granular droppings on it after a few hours. I have a particularly bad infestation this year.

These things seem to feed mostly at night and can and have defoliated entire forests.

As they grow they get to be rather large (2") and their droppings gets to be about 1/8 of an inch clump. This clump dissolves some in water (dew) and can stain and etch your paint. If you have no alternative to where you park, I`d wash and/or QD daily until they become moths (late June to early July).

Here is a link.


06-15-2004, 12:42 AM
Well after this first happened i moved to a different parking location under no trees and it still happens it does disolve in QD or dew but it still sure enough etches my paint... So depressing esp since i have no idea what causes it and if it will ever end...