View Full Version : Zaino Leaving Streaks?

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06-14-2004, 09:15 AM
Hi guys,

Over the weekend I:

- Washed with Dawn

- Claybarred

- Washed with Z7

- Applied Z5 w/ ZFX

- Buffed with a DF Concours Towel

- Applied Z7

The car was looking NICE.

I apllied a second coat of Z5 w/ ZFX and when I buffed it off with the DF Concours towel it appeared to be leaving Z5 streaks behind. I had to buff fairly hard to get them out.

Happilly when I followed that second coat of Z5 with some Z7 Gloss enhancer the streaks which weren`t buffed out appeared to disappear.

Does anyone know what happened? I want to put another coat of Z5 and then go on with several coats of Z2 but I`m worried that I did something wrong.


06-14-2004, 09:39 AM
It sounds as though 1 of 2 things is happening:

1. You tried removing it before it was properly setup (e.g. cured)

2. You applied the 2nd coat a bit too thick

How many coats are you getting per ounce (1/2 of the ZFX bottle)?

Typically, I get about 3 coats from 1 ounce (1/3 of an ounce per coat) and could probably get it thinner but 1/3 of an ounce works well for me.

Zaino should go on very very thin.

Did you wash after your first coat is that a type and you applied Z6 before and after each layer.

Tip: Spritz your applicator with some Z6 or distilled water before adding the Z2/Z5 to it. Makes spreading it much easier.

06-14-2004, 09:41 AM
If I get some streaks with Z2 or Z5, it`s usually because there`s a section where it`s a little too much or I didn`t wait long enough. Try not to rub harder to get it out. A spritz with z6 helps.

06-14-2004, 09:56 AM
Before even attempting to take off the Z5 you should wipe a finger size area, if it streaks and doesn`t come off very nicely you need to wait a little longer for the coat to cure. And as stated above the coat should be really thin.

I always start and finish with Z2, and I see that you started with Z5....will this change the results??

06-14-2004, 10:42 AM

I did not wash after the first coat.

I get about a coat and a half out of one ounce.

It seems that I probably put it on too thick but I can hardly tell when I`ve put it on. It goes on so thin. Maybe spritzing the applicator will help.

The thing is, the first coat I put on came off quite easily and it was pretty much the same thickness as the second coat.


From what I read it seemed that Z5 was the one to start with not Z2. I`m not sure what effect it would have.

06-14-2004, 10:52 AM
Absolutely too thihck a coat or not fully cured. It is amazing how littl you need to use, I figure a dab the size of a nickle does 1/3 of my hood on the Lincoln. I also find that since I started using a PC for application the layer goes on super thin and is a breeze to polish off.

Also, I don`t use Z5 anymore, I found Z2 to be quite sufficient.

06-14-2004, 11:37 AM
I`v havent heard of many people using a PC to apply Zaino. Is there any advantages other than being faster and easier on the hands. Does it make zaino turn out better, slicker?

I just picked up a bunch of zaino products along with some 3M SMR. I have swirls on my hood which Im going to use the SMR and a few polishes to remove. Should I wait a week or so after the SMR before applying zaino over top or can I do it all in the same weekend, time allowing between coats for zaino to cure

06-14-2004, 11:42 AM
I`ve applied Zaino via PC recently and it worked fine but there`s no noticeable performance benefit. The PC just makes the process faster and less tiring.

Sometimes I get streaking when its really humid outside. The latest version of Z2 and Z5 are a little more finicky in certain weather conditions. But the usual culprit to streaking is either excessive product application or lack of setup time, as the others have said.

06-14-2004, 02:20 PM
I find it difficult to determine when I`ve actually placed the product on the car! It`s hard to see if it`s on there or not. I mean, I pass the applicator back and forth and I can see where the lines of Zaino have been placed but it looks like in between said lines the hood is untouched. Does anyone have a pic of what freshly applied zaino should look like? I mean, does it go on INVISIBLE?

06-14-2004, 03:27 PM
It kind of looks "invisible". Sometimes I have to look at it from different angles to see what spots I hit. It gets easier with experience.

06-14-2004, 05:44 PM

Another thought . . . what kind of applicator are you using? I found I was able to get much thinner coats by hand after I switched to foam applicators. Here`s a link to a thread I posted a while back that might be of some help: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?threadid=4434&highlight=thin+zaino


06-14-2004, 09:46 PM
I use the fabric applicators that come with the Zaino package. Foam might actually do the trick a little better.

You`re probably right, once I get a few more layers "under my belt" it should be easier. It`s just odd that I had no problems with the first layer, but the second layer was streaky..

06-14-2004, 10:05 PM
Here`s a pic from the first layer of Z5 after it was hazed.

06-14-2004, 10:07 PM
Another Pic...

06-15-2004, 04:38 AM
looks like you put WAYYYY too much