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06-14-2004, 02:41 AM
i own an f-body (camaro/firebird) and i`ve been on many f-body message boards in the last 2 years. they all think that zaino is the best stuff ever. i`ve never run into one f-body user that doesn`t either say, "i use zaino and this is the best stuff i`ve ever used and the best product available," or that says, "i want to start using zaino one day, it`s the best product ever." what`s the deal, seriously? i`ve had people on f-body boards tell me, "what do you do your paint? that`s the best paint i`ve ever seen," and then when i tell them i use nxt/#16, they just kind of freak, like, "what??? you mean you don`t use zaino?" so does anyone get it?

for you pro detailers out there, what is your HONEST opinion about zaino? and do you use it on any of your customer`s cars? or only if they ask you to use it? i`ve never seen a navy blue metallic camaro look as good as mine either. not trying to sound full of myself, but i`ve really never seen one, and i especially don`t think zaino does much for the color... any thoughts? i`m sure there will be many! :)

06-14-2004, 02:45 AM
I haven`t heard from any of the pros using it as it takes a bit too long to do it on customers cars. But it`s durability is rarely questioned. It`s results are often debated about and many agree you can get the same with easier to use products.

06-14-2004, 04:12 AM
Zaino is a good product. I use it on my gold QX4 and I have three clients that have requested it. I like its look on light colors and its durability. On my Camaro, I use UPP topped with Souveran. Lots of opinions about products here.......I also think its easy to use like so many other products.

06-14-2004, 07:06 AM
Find something you like and use it often.

It is the tendency of many people to not only advocate (and thus validate) their choice, but to also denigrate all other choices.

Ignore those people when you come across them; they are speaking from a point of weakness.

The most credible Zaino advocates that I know of can get the same appearance from any product I would put in their hands. They choose Zaino because it is an outstanding product from a company with great customer support, not because all the other products suck.


non-Zaino user

06-14-2004, 07:30 AM
Zaino... cult following. No problem with that.

Why? Because it works. Simple as that.

It`s such an easy product to use once you understand the system.

Lasts a very very long time.

Incredible optical clarity.

In most areas, can be bought locally - no internet shipping fee`s.

I personally don`t believe there`s a better product out there. Just different one`s i.e. Klasse

For me, it`s the best product that I can buy locally. Klasse & Wolfgang have to bought via the internet and Klasse can be difficult to remove if you don`t use the wipe on wipe off method (as developed here).

A lot of other products have come and gone and Zaino still holds up to the best of them.

Matt M, PA
06-14-2004, 08:45 AM
I first found out about Zaino from the Viper guys. I had been using a variety of products, and honestly felt that there were basically no differences...ya know, wax is wax.

When I finally bought some Zaino, I was very impressed at the shine, the reflectivity, and the way the metallics stood up.

Since ZFX, the product is even easier to use, IMHO, and I have yet to find another "wax" that I like better. I know there are other good products, but I prefer Zaino. Kind of like your choice of cars....there are lots of good cars, but you prefer an "F" body.

All my vehicles get Zaino, and I have converted many friends to Zaino too.

I`d agree that Zaino has a cult following and it`s users are often labeled "Zealots" due to their enthusiasm with Zaino.

As far as detailers, the detailers I know (I do realize they are not Autopians) use Ardex products that come in 55 gallon drums. The reason? It`s cheap and fast. They need to work fast (and cheap) to maximize profits.

06-14-2004, 09:30 AM
I don`t use it for several reasons.

1. Zaino Zealots (I use another term for Zealot though ;) ) have really turned me off to it. They can`t just say they like it and Zaino works for them, no! They have to say all other products suck and you are an idiot for using something else.

2. Dawn wash. My car nor my customers cars will not be washed with Dawn. I like to move forward in the detailing process, not backward.

3. Incompatibility with other product lines. I like to mix and match. I use Meguiars, Poorboys, Clearkote, Wolfgang, American Shine and have been playing around with 1Z, Menzerna and a few others. Zaino is not compatible with them without a Dawn wash or wipe down with alcohol/water to remove the oils. I like the oils, they add depth and gloss.

4. First time application can be time consuming. When I can get at least equal results in less time, why spend the extra time? If the customer isn`t going to get a better result, they won`t be willing to pay for more time. I know ZFX greatly decreases curing time, but you can only mix up a batch at a time. I`d rather use something ready to go right off the bat.

5. The appearance. I`ve seen enough Zaino-ed cars to know (at least to my eyes), they are super reflective and mirror-like but lack the depth of most other products. Sometimes the color of the paint seems to disappear and the paint looks like a mirror. Some may really like that look, I don`t.

6. Durability isn`t really a huge issue with my customers. As long as whatever I use looks good and protects for 3 months, they are happy. Almost every one of my regulars has me wax their vehicle every 2-3 months. The Dallas area is not especially harsh on wax since we have no acid rain or industrial fallout to speak of so even carnaubas will bead an easy 3 months. I`m getting at least 3 months from Wolfgang and EX-P (maybe more, I`ve only had them for 3 months!) and 4+ months with EX w/carnauba and NXT. I don`t really need something that is ultra durable. I still have some Klasse anyway.

NOTE: This is not to bash Zaino or its users. I know the product works very well for many people and they like the appearance and durability. It just isn`t for me. ;)

06-14-2004, 09:51 AM
I think for people who make a living detailing cars, Zaino may not be a popular choice due to its relatively high cost, lack of bulk sales, and limited distribution. I know when I detailed for a living, I wanted products that were real easy to obtain and available in large amounts (quarts and gallons). Managing costs is critical to maximizing profits.

For detailers who have a small clientele who are willing to pay for the better products, Zaino is a better choice and probably a "must have" in their inventory. About 50% of my clients request or demand Zaino so I make sure I always have it.

Obviously Zaino and other high end boutique products are targeted to enthusiasts where money and local availability are not an issue. The serious car nut doesn`t care about how much time it takes to apply a few coats. And the detailer who is spending 6-12 hours per car isn`t going to worry about spending a few minutes mixing products. But if time has to be managed closely to maximize income and profit, you`re prolly better off using light polishes and glazes that are quickly applied/removed so you can get the car done and go on to the next one.

06-14-2004, 10:10 AM
I do not use zaino any longer as my primary because it lacked the punch wolfgang or other items provide. Car sits indoors and is garaged so durability is not a concern for me. The deep wet look is and Zaino never gave me the look I liked. I also like a slick car you can feel and zaino never gave me that feel I liked either. In the end I learned it comes down to how you prepare the paint:

Was, clay, polish, ect… over what product you use in the end. I am now playing with #26 again and the results are shocking, but all my previous prep work is the reason why.

Try it all and buy what you like.. Never settle.

06-14-2004, 11:21 AM
damn, this has turned into a truly good post :xyxthumbs

paco - on the contrary, zaino is not local for most people. only very few places actually carry it.

scottwax - i agree completely with #1 (the others too). my friends seriously think i`m an idiot for not just buying zaino. there is no convincing - i can`t make them believe with their eyes or their ears that they are full of it. they see my car, they know how good it looks, and yet they refuse to hail anything BUT zaino. it`s very annoying. i think this, above all others, is the reason i hate the zaino atmosphere the most.

also, go to a message board like www.ls1tech.com and just search for "zaino." read a few of the responses, and see how crazily this product is praised, especially by people who have never even tried it! then type in "wolfgang," or "klasse," and see how many responses come up. most of these zealots have never even heard of other products!

06-14-2004, 11:57 AM
Well, I am a Zaino user, but not the kind of person who goes around saying everything else sucks. The main reason I use Zaino is because of the durability, and I agree with Scott that it does lack depth. I`ve been using it on and off since September of last year, and I`m still trying new products. In some of my reflection pics, you can`t even tell what color the car is, lol

06-14-2004, 12:53 PM
I like the results, but must admit that I haven`t used more than a couple other brands, so can`t comment on how my cars would look using brand X in comparison. Something about the commitment required to layer several coats of Zaino that makes me hesitate to strip it all off and try another product (I would think Zaino planned it this way).

But for me, what keeps me buying the product is that Sal is so unbelieveably available for questions/comments/suggestions. I`m guessing there are other products that provide as good of results (or even better), I`m positive there are products that are much easier to apply, especially if time is an issue. I know there are better values from a pricing point. But I`m not aware of another manuafacturer whose owner/president will actually return your telephone call or e-mail (sometimes the same day) and talk turkey with some knucklehead out in Iowa.

Don`t get me wrong, if I didn`t like the results I would`ve switched products along time ago. But I do like the results and have a soft spot for guys like Sal and companys like Zaino. Very rare indeed in these Super Duper WalMart days.

If that makes me a Zealot - well, the defense has no arguement and I plead guilty.


06-15-2004, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by billium

.... Something about the commitment required to layer several coats of Zaino that makes me hesitate to strip it all off and try another product. ....

I do believe this may be close to the truth about what makes some Zaino users fanatics. A handful seem to be ego trippers and I`m glad they are happy, but I`ll ignore them if possible.

Zaino may be great but to me is a very linear product lacking personality. The creative aesthetic satisfation I get from variety and experimentation with products is totally absent with Zaino. I`ll use the same brand of oil over and over again, but I`ll be darned if I`m going to eat vanilla ice cream all my life no matter how good it tastes. The arrogance of SOME Zaino users makes me think they see their layers of Zaino as proof that they themselves must also be superior beings because they are the keepers of perfection itself. It really comes off that way at times.

Sorry guys and gals who use and love Zaino and are NOT like that...but you must admit that there is that element in the ranks of Zaino users who really rub others the wrong way and are completely lacking in humility, humor and tact.

I muzt admit in TRUTH zat I am trying to get a hold of zome Z10 for my leather zeatz to zee if I like itz zmell.

Its in keeping with my eclectic open minded nature.:wavey

06-15-2004, 12:26 PM

and I don`t pay attention to the majority of the rants. I know a guy who swears that a particilar auto manufacturer builds the only cars worth driving. I`d owned one of their cars and was not happy with the experience. You think I could have a civil conversation with him about my experience? When I said he "swears" by the manufacturer, I meant literally. He has taken it upon himself to educate me to his way of thinking. If I disagree, it`s only because of my ignorance. Any of this sound familiar?

My point is that some people are just goofy that way. Life`s too short, or I`m too old AND it is just car stuff.


06-15-2004, 03:15 PM
You will like the Z10........