View Full Version : Does anything really last over a month?

04-11-2003, 07:55 PM
Hi- new member here. I know that carnuba waxes last about 2 months tops and the best acrylics like Klasse will supposedly go about 5 months or so, but does the car really look as good as you want it to after about a month no matter what you use? It seems that unless you garage the car, that super slick shine is gone in a month even with Klasse, so why bother if you have to do it monthly anyway? Might as well go for the carnuba which seems to look better on dark cars anyway. Maybe acrylics protect for 6 months, but they don`t seem to really glow for that long.

04-11-2003, 10:29 PM
The protection is probably still there, but I`m like you. 30 to 60 days and it looks like something needs to be done. Of course, I`ve been known to wash the same vehicle 3 times in one day. Hey, it got dirty.:D

04-11-2003, 11:10 PM
Prep work is the key...,
Klasse Zaino and others will look good months down the road, however..., you still have to do your part, like washing, etc.
No protectant will look good it it is not prepped correctly and maintained.

04-13-2003, 10:46 AM
As long as you wash it regularly it will still look good. Have to agree on the point about prepwork too.