View Full Version : scratches under front bumper

06-13-2004, 08:34 PM
Previous owner probably hit the curb causing these scratches under the front bumper. Is there a way I can take it out? I know it will require lots of wetsanding. Here`s a pic:

06-13-2004, 09:29 PM
That looks like acutal hunks of paint are missing. It would take a ton of filling and wetsanding, and even then your probably still going to go through on the high spots of the gouge in the plastic.

Not much you can do, probably. You can try a repair, but it will be far from perfect. It`s under the bumper, so I wouldn`t spaz over it that much. It ain`t a show car, and I doubt most people will crawl under there to examine it.

Bill D
06-14-2004, 06:44 PM
This damage can happen a lot to low-to-the-ground cars as well. Sounds like we need a clear bra type shield to apply to this vulnerable area. This ought to be another new accessory opportunity.