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06-13-2004, 03:48 PM
***Update on Page 2 with pics!***

Hey guys,

I plan on polishing my car come Tuesday (my first free day in a looong time). Gonna go pick up a PC and some Meg`s Swirl Remover. I just wanna get an idea of whether or not i can expect much improvement. my poor car is riddled with swirls and a few odd white marks here and there, i just kinda wanna bounce this off of some of you autopians first. Here are a few images of the car`s finish. I cropped out the parts that best show the condition of the paint, i can put up the whole images but they`re 1024x768. Anyway here they are.

section of my hood:


door with wierd white dent/scratch type thing


right above my passanger side window:


What do you guys think? PC with white pad, swirl remover, should it get rid of all that stuff? I`ll of course follow it up with megs high-tech yellow wax. Thanks.

06-13-2004, 03:51 PM
by the ways guys... i havent had time to clean the poor thing in like 2 weeks, and on a black car in L.A, that`s just too long. Forgive me for the filthyness :)

06-13-2004, 03:56 PM
that is about how mine looked.

3M PI-III Machine Glaze (swirl mark remover) w/ white pad removed 80%. I had to go back with some 3M fine cut and DACP + yellow pad on some bad spots.

06-13-2004, 04:36 PM
yeah I think that can be cleaned up nicely. *I* would use the PC with a cutting pad + DACP, then a polish pad with #82 SFP.

Topped with your #26 should look great.

06-13-2004, 05:20 PM
Yeah, I don`t think Swirl Remover alone would do it. Go with the DACP and then see what it looks like. Just take your time. You may need to use a couple different products to achieve optium shine again.

06-13-2004, 05:25 PM
Im sure it will take about 2 times with the DACP to remove all the marring. be sure to let the dacp break down adequatly and you shouldnt have to much of a problem with hazing with the PC.

06-13-2004, 05:27 PM
I had similar swirls on black paint, it took a few applications of DACP with a PC to make the paint look great. Take your time and the results will be worth it.

06-13-2004, 06:19 PM
thanks guys! now i just gotta find a PC... i really wanted to do this Tuesday so i have to shop locally, but none of the hardware stores around here have anything more mild than sanders. Guess i`ll just do an Autopia shopping spree.

06-13-2004, 06:21 PM
where are you located?

06-13-2004, 06:34 PM
Los Angeles, Hollywood area. Now that i take a look at the Autopia store, i can`t seem to find DACP or #82. Think kragen or pep boys would have the polish? looks like i`ll order the PC and pads from Autopia.

06-13-2004, 06:43 PM
try the other stores sponcered at autopia. I think classic motoring is in the west coast so you could get the stuff quicker.

You could try NXT instead of #26. NXT fills minor swirls and IMO looks and lasts as long as #26.

06-13-2004, 06:55 PM
Getting stuff by Tuesday will be tough. You might end up paying up the nose also. As far as the PC, I don`t know where might have that. I`m from the LA area also. Try some of the following places for the DACP:

Car Aroma in Wilimington (they`ll have high prices, but might have what you need)

Meza Paints (www.mezapaints.com) a few LA area locations (each stocks different stuff, so call a few)

If you can wait until the following week, buy the PC from one of the websites recommended around here. Detailer`s Paradise has a nice package.

I agree with using the NXT after DACP. It goes on and off really easy and leaves a great shine.

General Lee
06-13-2004, 07:18 PM
If you have a Lowes home improvement store in your area you should be able to find a PC 7336. Also if you have a NAPA parts store as well they may have DACP.

06-15-2004, 12:44 AM
Ok guys, i found a great mom&pop shop over here in the vendor list on Meguiar`s site, went down there and did some shopping. I picked up some #82, some #83, two polishing and two finishing pads (well, two to use with the #83 and two to use with the #82. The owner recommended them). I also picked up a PC, some clay, and a big ol` mf. Tomorrow i`m gonna wash and clay, polish (83 followed by 82), and wax with hi tech yellow (#26?). Hopefully i can get some good pics for a before/after.

Quick question though, i think i totally blanked on getting something to apply the wax with. should i get a pad for the PC or do it by hand? i can go pick up a few mf`s if necessary.

06-15-2004, 01:21 AM
Do it by hand, so much easier and faster....I would just go to kragen or wherever and pick up some foam or terry apps, whichever you prefer. Post pics of those swirls!!! And you can do it, check out this clk430.....just be patient and you will get your result