View Full Version : Removing Swirls before AIO or EX-P?

06-11-2004, 06:05 PM

Well, first of all, i`m planning on removing the swirls in my paint with Einszett. I`m pretty convinced that this is the way is should go, as far as hand applications go. There may be others but i`ll go with 1Z for now

my question is how do i go from using 1Z pp or mp to the Klasse Twins or Poorboy`s EX-P?

i know Vanilla Moose and EX-P go well together and are prefered by many here ... but what do i do if i wanna use EX-P anyway ... given that i`m preparing my paint with Einszett? Same goes with AIO ... i`ve been itching to try the Klasse Twins, but i know AIO won`t get rid of swirls (the ones i have at least). Is there anyway i can go from removing my swirls with 1Z to EX-P or AIO or any sealant for that matter?



06-11-2004, 06:46 PM
Can`t speak to EX-P application, but if you are using AIO, you can pretty much put that over anything. As you said, it won`t remove swirls (but your using the 1Z polishes for that), but it`s chemical cleaners will clean anything that is left on the paint and prep it for almost any topper. People have successfully used lots of products over AIO, even picky sealants like zaino.

Good luck.


06-11-2004, 06:52 PM
would i be better off just using Glanz Wax ... a synthetic wax, i belive, rathe than worrying about AIO?

or can i also top my 1Z polishes directly with a Carnauba?

06-11-2004, 07:03 PM

I have tried 1Z (mp), then straight to S100.

I have also tried 1Z (mp), AIO, then S100. IMHO - wow!

Recently, I have topped AIO with UPP - this is pretty amazing.

06-11-2004, 10:10 PM
thanks, that`s basically what i was looking for ...

have you ever tried the Glanz Wax?

06-12-2004, 04:11 PM
I`ve used 1Z GW and not that it looks bad, but I prefer the look of Klasse. Also observed that a few layers of SG lasts longer and looks better longer than one coat of GW (it can`t be layered). The one big upside of GW is the ease of application, wipe on, buff off.

Short of the finicky sealants, you can top the 1Z polishes with whatever you like, but *I* feel that AIO gives a nicer, cleaner base to work on.

If it were me and time wasn`t of a major concern, I`d prep the paint with the 1Z polishes you have, give it a good once over with AIO and then use either SG, or EX-P (though I`ve not used it).

Good luck and let us know how it turns out.
