View Full Version : Rain in the car.....

06-10-2004, 09:44 AM
A friend of mine has a 2003 Celica and she left the sunroof and windows open and it rained heavily and got inside.... The seats are fine but the carpet is soaked and now starting to smell like mildew and such..... Any ideas of what to do to resolve this problem? Any and all help is appreciated.

Thank you


06-10-2004, 09:59 AM
Your best bet is to remove the seats, pull the carpet out and let it completely dry out (probably over a day or two). Once it`s dry, try treating it with a mildew killer.

I had a leak in my VW where water was getting into the cabin air intake and going through the vents to the rear passanger footwell. The carpet was soaked and no matter what I tried, it never dried out and started smelling. Dealer did the above and it`s been perfect since.

I have heard of people putting a dehumidifier in the car for a day or so, but I doubt it`s going to get the carpet completely dry. Also won`t be able to treat the backside for mildew without removing the carpet.

Good luck.


06-10-2004, 12:12 PM
I agree with above .............A complete inside overhaul,using fans if possible and a carpet freshner (lots)Before you put back the carpet you have to make sure the total bottom is dry.If it were me since very little carpet is used in most cars I would replace the entire carpet most carpet stores have odds and ends that might match the color if not call the car manufactuer they can help