View Full Version : Web site opinions

10-09-2004, 05:18 PM
I have posted this in a couple other threads already but haven`t gotten any response so I figured I would start a whole new thread and see if I got better results.

I started my business over the summer and recently started a website for it. I am dying to get some feedback on it so please let me know what you guys think! I`m not looking for just "good site" comments.. I can take some criticism because I really want to make it a place that is appealling to customers.

I am really most interested in the site design, the before/after pictures, and the services and pricing page. I am NOT interested, however, in learning about what products I should be using and how I should be doing it, etc. I have a system that works for me and I am happy with it. I have been getting a decent amount of traffic to the site each month but have had no direct calls from it. So any advice would be greatly appreciated, or if you think the site looks great, that`s good to know too! :)

site address is www.mmautodetail.com

Thanks in advance,

jason rawls
10-09-2004, 05:37 PM
I wouldn`t go into so much detail about what products you use or even list them at all for that matter. Not that they`re bad products but the customer doesn`t really need to know that information unless they ask.

What if for some reason they have an unfavorable opinion about Zaino or anything else you list? Your taking too much attention off your services and putting them on your products.

I would also play around with some different fonts for your words. Maybe something a little less bold and bubbly - try some smaller and skinnier words for a classier look.

Good luck with your business!

10-09-2004, 06:05 PM
Agree witht the above, products are of secondary interest, WHAT you are going to do is of far more concern. And to me it comes across as you being a Zaino distributor so I`d personally drop any reference to what products you use.

Get more variation in your pics - the ladrover is nice, but it seems like you are a 16 year old and all you have done is "mum and dads" car. Spice it up, add more different cars to the gallery.

The M&M Auto Details title is WAY to busy for my liking. It might be just me, but simplicity is far classier and not so straining.

Maybe try scouting other detailers sites and see what works and doesnt work for them and adjust accordingly.......cos it sounds like what you have at the moment isnt yeilding the results you`d like, so I think you need to sit down and re-hash it.

Just some thoughts! Good luck with it.

10-09-2004, 06:07 PM
Your Name at the top is hard to read to the point of it being distracking. Dress up the Home page more its to plain.

I agree with Jason ,there`s to much information about products . Keep it simple and if they ask then go into the whole products list you use. Try using a Break between your packages they kinda run into each other.

Before & After pics are way to big. I have DSL and they took forever to load . Dailup customers won`t wait and just move on.

Doesn`t your Web Host offer email accounts ? Your business name would make a better email address. Good luck in your new venture.

10-09-2004, 06:17 PM
I agree that you should try to throw some exciting sports cars that the average person can admire...such as a Corvette, because every American (it seems) wants one and thinks they`re the coolest, fastest, and most expensive car ever (when they`re actually not, but that`s a different story), so having a shiny one that was detailed by you would be enticing to them. That`s opposed to just having old sedans and Ford pickups.


10-09-2004, 06:19 PM
I`m not trying to tell you which product to use but agree comepletely with the previous comments. Most customers don`t know the difference between Z2 and Z1000 without researching the product. Spend more time telling them what you do, not what you use.

10-09-2004, 06:55 PM
It`s a bit to load (homepage) for a dial up. I tried it at home on a dial up connection, and I would have stopped it had I not been looking just for the sake of replying to your post and offering my opinion. The pics are the same way. Not everyone has broadband at home....Just a thought.

As everyone else says....do something with the Title. That`s just not cuttin` it.

The plugging of Zaino takes away from the plugging of you and your friends` services. I would say try to push what you guys can do that "Joe Blow" can`t do. Joe Blow don`t give a rip about Zaino probably. That being said...it is nice how you explain what the products are on another page, but I think it would be more fair for you if you would explain your services more than the product. It`s more process than product!!!!!

On the better side, I`d say your prices are very fair. You may even be at the point of selling yourself too cheap. That`s good for the customer I guess. Just don`t send the wrong message with it. You usually get what you pay for.

As far as the pic posting goes, I`d say only post your work. I know people may want to see exotic cars, but the fact of the matter is the majority of people don`t drive those. Stick with pics of your work. Point out how you made the car look better. Don`t post a Corvette, Porsche, etc. just for the sake of posting it.

With a few changes I think you could have a really outstanding website. It`s on the right track and it looks decent for now.

jason rawls
10-09-2004, 07:39 PM
One more thing that I would also do is make your B & A pictures the same size. They kind of throw me off a little being uneven with each other.

10-09-2004, 10:31 PM
Well, pretty much everybody beat me to it. I agree completely on dropping reference to the products. The average customer probably isn`t going to know the difference between zaino and draino and only cares about what it looks like and how long it lasts. Besides, this locks you into a specific product. Suppose you decide later to change to a different product, but the result is the same. Also, drop the people from the pictures. I presume that`s you and your partner. I would also drop the apartment address. If you feel the need to do business by mail, get a PO box. That way if you move your address can stay the same and it looks more professional. Probably could just use the first names. Maybe not a big deal, but just a thought.

All the previously mentioned ideas are good as well. Don`t undersell yourself, some folks have the idea they get what they pay for and if you`re too cheap, well.... Otherwise it`s a good start. Just emphasize what sets you apart from the rest in terms of results, not products.

--Good luck.

10-10-2004, 01:20 AM
Hey guys,
Thanks for all the great comments! I totally agree with what was said about the logo. I had been thinking the same thing for a while now. As far as the exotic cars go.. there just aren`t that many around our area. We are in a very small town in West KY and while there are some exotics around, we haven`t gotten a chance to detail any (yet). And our prices are around or a little higher than what others in the area are charging although we do more and I believe a much better job.

So the basic consensus of what could be improved is:
1. The logo
2. More about service, less about product
3. Pictures are too large

This has been very helpful so far. If you come up with anything else, let me know!
