View Full Version : white car, which polish & wax?

06-08-2004, 09:53 PM
I did a search and could not find what I wanted. I have a 2001 white Crown Vic that is in pretty good shape now. I have tried Mothers cleaner/wax and a couple of other things I had on hand. I can get it to shine, but there is no "depth" to it. I know someone said white was a boring color to work with. I am starting to believe it. I am considering Meguiars #7 and then #26. Thanks for any opinions and suggestions.

06-09-2004, 01:28 AM
You might want to give Zaino a shot. It won`t help with the depth issue, but it`ll make the car shine like hell. A lot of people really like it on light colors since it`s difficult to get a deep look with them.

If you really want to look for a deep, warm look and you`re willing to spend the money, Pinnacle Souveran will probably net it. It`s the best wax around on a regular budget.

06-09-2004, 01:41 AM
This is a really tough question, JrToyota. It`s all so subjective. But I`ve been quite happy with what Zaino does for my old white Jag. Check out the pix in my gallery (http://www.autopia.org/gallery/showgallery.php?thumb=1&cat=500&si=&perpage=12&sort=2&stype=&ppuser=3936), if you`re interested. I`ve also tried Meguiar`s #7 & #26, and S100 on her. But nothing gives the rich look of the Zaino system, for me.

And you can search all the galleries to see pix of white cars. And, with any luck, folks will have told what they used on those cars. I ran this search (http://www.autopia.org/gallery/showgallery.php?thumb=1&cat=500&si=white&perpage=12&sort=3&stype=&ppuser=) to get the galleries sorted by "white." Maybe it will give you some idea of what products folks have used.

Aside from that, just keep reading through the Detailing, Autopia Univ, Detailing Products, and Click & Brag forums, and you`ll start getting a sense of what products have worked for folks with white cars.

Good luck! :wavey

06-09-2004, 06:24 AM
I`ll have to recommend my current favorite combo... VM / EX-P.

VM will give you a bit more depth (as much as you can get with white anyway) and they you can seal it with EX-P. The combo will give you more depth than Z with a shine that rivals Z.

The reason this combo works so well is that both VM and EX-P are exceptionally clear.

This is a recipe that I first saw scottwax using and like most of his advice, it`s golden. :D

06-09-2004, 07:41 AM
my experience with white is that you need to layer a ton of wax to produce a really wet looking car. Back then I used Zymol, Megs Gold Class, Megs 3 step . Car was very shinny you couldnt even look at it in direct sun light, and in the shade it was very wet looking.

Now, im using AIO/SG + Sonus QD after every wash and it just looks wet, without all that layering of waxes.

06-09-2004, 08:53 AM
NXT topped with S100 looks very nice. Might want to try VM topped with EX or 1Z MPW topped with S100 or PWC topped with EX.

06-09-2004, 09:16 AM
pwc + ExP


06-09-2004, 10:43 AM
NXT + souveran, or NXT by itself.

I found (like many others) that the trick is in making sure I started with the cleanest, brightest paint surface I could. For that, I use AIO, IP and FP with great results.

06-09-2004, 02:11 PM
You won`t be dissapointed with the #7 followed by #26 - that`s what I used to use. This year I`ve been experimenting with Blackfire. This spring, I stripped everything that was on the car and started with Blackfire polish followed by the sealant. In all, I`ve probably applied both of these products about 4 times since then. The car looks incredible. The paint stays smooth for a long time (longer than the Meg`s stuff) and the finish is still impressive/smooth after several washes. The polish does a decent job of covering up minor swirls. I apply the polish with a white pad on about 4 and then apply the sealant by hand, removing everything with mf`s.


06-09-2004, 02:28 PM
I have best results with NXT topped with #26 on my pearl white.

06-09-2004, 08:04 PM
One thing for sure, I have plenty of ideas to pick from. I did not know there were so many products and combinations to pick from and use. This is quite a knowledgeable and experienced group!

I had never heard of many of the products that many of you use until I found this website. I must admit that some of them are priced way above what I have been paying in the past, but I guess that you get what you pay for. That will never change.

I am still interested in trying the Meg`s #7 and #26, but I have been strongly considering Klasse, Vanilla Moose and others. Per another members suggestion, I have been reading the Autopia guide and it is quite informative. I wish there had been a source of information like this way back when.

06-10-2004, 12:42 PM
OH, great thread for me, I have three white cars and one silver. I have used Zaino but I don`t like that it`s a dust magnet. However, it does provide very long lasting protection. ANd the shine is great, however, I want more deep & wet looking, what is good to use?

06-10-2004, 12:44 PM
oh, what do I use to remvoe the swirl before Zaino?? I know Zaino has to be very strick and don`t bond to other brands.....

06-10-2004, 12:48 PM
Here is a white car we did. We clayed it, used Poorboy`s SSR2, Polish with carnuba and then followed up with a coat of EX.


Same on this car:
