View Full Version : BNB Dilution

10-08-2004, 11:00 PM
I tried something new the other day (at least it`s new to me). I bought one of those pumpable spray bottles that work like an aerosol(Here is the bottle) (http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=USPlastic&category%5Fname=14956&product%5Fid=14842) So, I filled the bottle with BNB diluted 1:1 with water. I wanted it for use particularly on wheel wells but also on tires or under the hood. I found that the spray worked well but at 1:1 the product was still a little thick so it didn`t spray as well as it could have. So I was thinking, what if I dilute it with alcohol instead of water??? As I see it, the alcohol would offer a few advantages over water. 1) Alcohol is more viscus than water so it would thin the mix a little and enable it to spray better 2) Alcohol evaporates faster than water so it would dry faster 3) Water tends to "bead up" on a surface more than alcohol does. So, alcohol should enable the product to have more even coverage when it is sprayed.

So, what do you guys think of this idea? I`ve never mixed anything with alcohol before (except tonic water), although I wouldn`t think it would be a problem. Does anyone see anything wrong with this or should I give it a try? Has anyone tried it before? Any feedback is welcome and appreciated. Thanks in advance.


10-08-2004, 11:30 PM
Sounds like a cool idea. Give it a try, and let us know the results. I guess the only question would be to figure out the ideal mixture.

Big Leegr
10-08-2004, 11:59 PM
I would think that mixing alcohol in a water based product would cause the product to "run off." I guess I`m thinking more along the lines of how you use IP/water to wipe off any fillers etc. when prepping paint to see what the true condition of the paint is. I don`t usually tamper with a products` engineering, so I can`t say much from experience. :dunno
Let us know your results! :phone:

10-09-2004, 06:43 AM
I feel like they`d cancel each other out, but definately let us know.

Part of having a water based product it so it`s safe on everything. If that product mixture every hit paint, goodbye LSP(s).

I`d stick with water, but I think you have a good idea :)

10-09-2004, 10:30 AM
I don`t have any experience with combining alcohol and BnB, but I share GSRstilez`s concern about overspray getting on the paint. Have you considered just diluting the BnB with more parts of water to thin out the solution? For wheel wells, I`ve tried diluting down to a mixture of 2 parts water to 1 part BnB. That ratio retains most of BnB`s appearance characteristics. For tires and neglected wheel wells, I still prefer to use BnB full strength for best results.

FWIW, I recently purchased one of those inexpensive one gallon pressurized sprayers (the type you see used for spraying lawn chemicals). I had originally purchased it to use with PB`s new Spray & Rinse wheel cleaner, but I changed my mind and tried it with Spray & Wipe instead. The liquid comes out in a nice even spray pattern, and the long wand allows me to reach every area without a lot of stretching or bending. I`m going to use try this method for my S&W pre-soak for winter QEW washing. Perhaps this kind of sprayer could also be used with BnB? :dunno

10-09-2004, 03:24 PM
I understand everyones concern with overspray. But is this any different than using a comercial aerosol dressing such as stoner`s trim shine or some other spray tire dressings? AFAIK, they contain some type of solvent (not necessarily alcohol but something) that would also remove a LSP if oversprayed...