View Full Version : cleaning/protecting jeep tops

06-08-2004, 07:23 AM
what would you people suggest for using or doing to clean the soft top on a jeep? also maybe something to seal it too to keep it a little more water resistant and sealed good. thanks

06-08-2004, 09:53 AM
I use Ragtopp cleaner and Raggtopp protectant and not only does it look amazing when done but seems to last a while.

I usually spray on cleaner, let soak for a few and then lightly scrub with a Oxio brush then hose off very thoroughly. After the whole Jeep is washed and dried I apply the protectant using a clean sponge or MF applicator.

I will usually do this once a month and then just wash in between with car wash.

On the windows I just started using Meguires Plastc polish adn that seesm to be workign fine.

If anyone has any suggestions please throw them my way

06-08-2004, 03:13 PM
do you know where i can get the raggtopp protectant from? would it be available from someplace local or is it on the net somewhere? thanks

06-08-2004, 03:47 PM
Originally posted by kevmo327

I usually spray on cleaner, let soak for a few and then lightly scrub with a Oxio brush then hose off very thoroughly. After the whole Jeep is washed and dried I apply the protectant using a clean sponge or MF applicator.

Hmm, isn`t the protectant difficult to spread using this method? I sure would like a way to apply the protectant without having to newspaper up all my windows and the paint on my trunk.

jesse, the raggtop products are available at the Autopia store as well as CMA & Autogeek.

06-08-2004, 04:17 PM
on the top it is fairly easy to spread but on the side and back windows I spray on a clean damp spnge and carefully wipe on...if there is a better way PLEASE let me know.

I also buy my ragtopp from CMA.

Funny, if you ask this same quesiton in Jeep and offroad forums the answer you get is "I use 409 or simple green"

06-08-2004, 07:27 PM
Funny, if you ask this same quesiton in Jeep and offroad forums the answer you get is "I use 409 or simple green"

thats why i asked here :up

06-08-2004, 07:50 PM
what year/model is your Jeep?

06-09-2004, 07:37 AM
no clue really. i think its like an 01-02 or something. its my friends but i was going to help her clean it up a bit

06-09-2004, 07:44 AM
The factory Jeep tops have a great waterproofing sealant already. I would stray from using anything much harsher than a strong shampoo dilution. You can spot clean trouble areas with the shampoo and an oxo brush, but mine stays happy with the sheepskin treatment. Granted, the TJ is the baby and stays in the garage so filth build-up is low. YMMV.

06-09-2004, 09:20 AM
Think Snow, it is noce to see i am not the only person that babies his Jeep....My friends think I am insane both for the way I treat it and the fact I am drving one (My bus partner has a BMW 745 and he has been trying to get me to go that route for a year now)

As for the waterproofing, I agree but the main reason I use the Ragtopp products is for some UV protection from the AZ sun..I also use the protectant on all the plastic trim and spare tire

06-09-2004, 09:48 AM
Quote: Originally posted by kevmo327

I usually spray on cleaner, let soak for a few and then lightly scrub with a Oxio brush then hose off very thoroughly. After the whole Jeep is washed and dried I apply the protectant using a clean sponge or MF applicator.

~One man’s opinion / observations ~

Apply fabric cleaner/ or protecterant by spraying it onto a clean, damp applicator and leave to penetrate fabric for 15-60 minutes

Appling two light coats are better than the application of one heavy coat; allow to dry thoroughly between coats. See CONVERTIBLE TOPS DavidB http://www.bettercarcare.com/articles.php?articleId=26

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/ Jon

justadumbarchitect * so I question everything *

06-09-2004, 01:27 PM
Thanks for the tip

06-09-2004, 01:42 PM
As for the waterproofing, I agree but the main reason I use the Ragtopp products is for some UV protection from the AZ sun

Hence, my HUGE "YMMV." The only time she`s out of the car house, the top is down anyway:D