View Full Version : Do chemical cleaners remove any paint?

06-05-2004, 11:35 AM
I was wondering if polishes that contain no abrasives and only chemical cleaners remove any paint. Strong chemical cleaner like COLORx seem to remove oxidation easily, but do they remove healthy cured paint. If not then is there any detrimental effects to using such products often?

06-05-2004, 04:23 PM
hey ddolat,

some of the products that remove paint but have no harsh abrasives still have really strong chemicals that can remove paint. The best i Have used was the restoration pre-cleaner by A-UV... in fact im gonna post some pics on a new thread. but even it still removed some paint (bonnet had pink from red paint). The long term effects i have seen were that eventually, some of the stronger cleaners made the paint thin especially around bumbers/mirrors and edges..

06-05-2004, 07:53 PM
I just used some Poorboy`s Professional Polish (a chemical cleaner) on a single stage explorer today. The pad started out yellow and quickly became red. :)

So yes, chemical cleaners can remove paint.