View Full Version : WG Maint- Expert Opinions Please

06-04-2004, 02:51 PM
I`ve just completed two vehicles with the WG twins (one white pampered vehicle and one black daily driver vehicle to test extremes). Although I enjoy detailing our three cars, there are other things I like to do also. Therefore, I seeking expert opinions on maintaining the finish without haveing to repeat the wash, clay, FP(black car only), WG twins on a monthly basis.

Which QD will provide the better life extension to the WG Finish:


Clearkote or

Last Touch.

Also, when it comes time to reapply the WG Sealant, I assume I will not have to repeat all the steps unless the finish has deteriorated. Is this correct?

I have and will use the WG QD but it by far is the most expensive. I don`t mind paying if it will provide the most life extension. Since I have three cars to QD I`ll need to order soon. Please help me decide.

06-04-2004, 04:47 PM
I don`t have any of the QDs for WG that you mention, I actually use Z-6 with great success. Obviously, WG QD is meant to be used as a system with WG sealant. ScottWax really likes ClearKote and if I`m not mistaken has used it on WG before. For the money, ClearKote is the better value at $38/gal. Your choice of QD though won`t extend the longevity/durability of the sealant. There are lots of opinions about which QD is best but in the end you`ll have to make that call.

When it comes to layering WG all you have to do is wash and re-apply WG sealant. The pre-wax polish enhancer is meant to be used when first applying WG sealant to your vehicle. Claying is meant to remove surface contaminants from your car`s finish and is done by most 1x/year and for some even 2x/year.

Here is the an excerpt from the makers of WG on longevity:

We suggest applying Paint Sealant to the entire vehicle first, then coming back and buffing. In hot, humid environments, the sealed finish will last five to six months or more. In less severe climates Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant will protect for approximately seven to eight months.

The Wolfgang family of products was formulated by chemists to complement one another. Alone, they are each exceptional, but you`ll achieve maximum results when you layer one Wolfgang product over another. The Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant will deliver five to six months of beauty and protection when applied after washing with Wolfgang Auto Bathe—Created together for ultimate longevity, durability and protection. Wolfgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant used with any other product will still out-perform many of the world`s best selling products, but its full potential is guaranteed when used with other Wolfgang Products.

06-04-2004, 05:01 PM
People here, including myself have had great results with Eagle One Wax as You Dry. Try diluting it 3:1. Works great. No need to qd and you get a nice shine.I thought it was a gimmick till I tried it out. Don`t know about it with WG, but it should be fine.

06-04-2004, 07:05 PM
WG products are going to have the best chance of extending the protection and finish since they are formulated to work as a system.

06-04-2004, 08:52 PM
I have been using both the WG QD and Quikshine and both work great.

You are right that if the paint is still in good condition, you can just use the sealant.

06-05-2004, 12:42 AM
bad thing about forums.... 68,976 opinions!

good thing about forums...... you learn a lot from those opinions.

i recommend Amino-UV Spray Gloss Enhancer on your black daily. Seems to increase the slickness of sealant, and leaves black looking awesome..... i think it works better than the WG. but thats just 1 of 68,976 opinions!
