View Full Version : cicada splatter

06-04-2004, 10:19 AM
Bought a used car 3 weeks ago (`01 330xi) and the paint is decent. I believe the dealer washed the car, but probably didn`t wax it.

there are swarms of cicadas around and i do alot of highway driving . I have a lot of cicada splatter on my car currently.

was wondering if i should wash/polish/wax today or tomorrow vs. waiting a few weeks till the swarms depart?

06-04-2004, 10:34 AM
~One man’s opinion / observations ~

Protect the paint film surface with a sacrificial wax if nothing else

Bug Residue:

Dried bug remains are acidic and can etch paint, and should be removed as soon as possible. To remove the residue caused by various bugs pre-soak heavy bug contamination with an insect pre-cleaner or Isopropyl Alcohol. To prevent any possibility of scratching from bug remains, use plenty of soapy water for lubrication when using a mesh insect sponge (Autopia Soft Scrub Insect Sponge). Apply paint protection once residue has been removed.Can also be used on glass, plastic, clear coat paint, vinyl, chrome and fibreglass

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/ Jon

justadumbarchitect * so I question everything *

General Lee
06-04-2004, 02:14 PM
I would get the ones off that are on there now. Then apply a coat of wax to give your self some protection from future splats that you may not be able to remove right away. After the Cicadas depart then do a complete detail. Still remove the ones you encounter after the wax, the wax is just a little protection you don`t want them on there too long.

06-04-2004, 10:58 PM
I just did a 7 hour round trip today in 90 Deg heat and killed every bug in western CanaDUH including a lot of grasshoppers and when I got home I did a washup for a car show tomorrow .. The hood has Wolfgang on it thats 2 days old and the bug splats completely washed off with a couple light swipes on the sheepskin mitt.

With as easy as it is to apply / remove I think I`ll Wolfgang it before all the next road trips ..