View Full Version : 110 degree heat

06-01-2004, 06:09 PM
its 110 out today, more like 112 really. The way I see it, if i put my wax jar in the sun, it would melt. The wax on the surface of my car is even hotter, and there is more surface area. There is no way this wax is going to last...

What should I do? Should I use a synthetic? Which one is great for the heat? I Just used PUPP a week or 2 ago, haven`t checked if its still beading, but I know the waxes id previously used would be toast.

06-01-2004, 06:39 PM
SYNTHETIC waxes last longer in MAJOR HEAT

06-01-2004, 06:54 PM
Carnaubas are blended with other ingrediants so when you use them on your paint, they don`t `melt` at 140 degrees, despite what some people claim. We regularly top 100-108 in Dallas in the summer and I have never had a problem with the durability of carnaubas (at least 2-3 months of good beading and decent slickness). Synthetics will last longer of course, but if you only have a carnauba to use right now, go ahead, you will be fine.

06-05-2004, 04:14 PM
synthetic wax is supposed to last to almost 500 degrees or some deal