View Full Version : Filled pop can tossed at me on road, how damaging is soda?

05-30-2004, 09:03 PM
Some jerk looking like a mountain man in a busted truck tossed what I can only assume was a mostly filled can of pepsi on my car while I was driving home. :angry It bounced off the hood causing minimal damage to the paint. The car is silver so I and it is very cloudy so scratches would be hard to find at this point, however the car had pepsi all over the hood for about an hour before I could rinse it off.

One of the ingredients of colas is phosphoric acid which concerns me a bit. How much damage would this cause? I used AIO and put only one layer of SG on so far, would this protect it enough?

Bill D
05-30-2004, 09:39 PM
Hmm..I don`t think I would`ve done anything differently. I would also pick the brains over at :


and see what these guys say too.

05-30-2004, 10:06 PM
So it`s cloudy after you rinse it off? Did you mean you just rinsed it off, or used a car wash? I would assume since you said "only one layer of SG on so far", that you applied it fairly recently. I would think that if the SG had enough time to cure (24 hours at least) it might protect enough. If you wash it with a car wash and it`s still cloudy, then it might have gone through your SG. If that`s the case, then you could try to reapply AIO to that area and see how it is. If it`s still cloudy then you might need something stronger. If it`s good, then apply some more SG. I`m no expert though, but this is what I would try.

imported_Yosemite Dan
05-30-2004, 11:58 PM
Lots of people drink Pepsi by the gallon everyday so I doubt the acid in it would do any serious damage to your paint. Think about all the crap your paint is subjected to everyday while driving from acid rain to brake dust so I think your safe.

Just hope it was just pepsi and not urine. Did this idiot throw it at you on purpose or was he just born ignorant.

05-31-2004, 12:22 AM
Originally posted by gsrjedi

So it`s cloudy after you rinse it off?

Sorry the weather is cloudy, I can`t tell if it`s scratched yet. I`ll look in the morning. SG was put on last Friday, I`ve been busy so I haven`t been able to do more. I`m hoping the paint won`t be etched but it sounds like I should be fine besides possible scratches from impact.

He was yelling some obscenities at me. I`m going to put him in the braindead hick category.

imported_Yosemite Dan
05-31-2004, 12:35 AM
"He was yelling some obscenities at me. I`m going to put him in the braindead hick category."

He was probably blinded by the shine of your car and chances are you wash your car more than he washes himself so have pity on him.

05-31-2004, 02:44 AM
I use pepsi to clean my battery terminals....so ya, id say its pretty acedic...

05-31-2004, 12:32 PM
Originally posted by Yosemite Dan

He was probably blinded by the shine of your car and chances are you wash your car more than he washes himself so have pity on him.

I guess, he didn`t look like the type to keep up on auto maintenance. :D

I found the chip. It is very small and didn`t go through the primer thankfully, so it will be very easy to patch up. I`ll AIO and re-SG on my day off tommorow just to make sure I have a prestine coat.

Obligatory pic, it was about to pour outside so it was hard to find at first.


05-31-2004, 03:16 PM
ouch! doesnt look good at all (But thats just looks. i`m sure its easy to clean off)

You shoulda gotten his plate number and called the cops.....or slammed on the brakes and skidded (controled) and sued him for nearly killing you, LOL


05-31-2004, 03:20 PM
tell us the whole story, he couldnt just throw out a bottle for no reason

05-31-2004, 05:01 PM
Originally posted by du3ce

tell us the whole story, he couldnt just throw out a bottle for no reason

You sure about that? Minneapolis like any other city has plenty of complete phycos, one doctor punched an old lady in the face for almost no reason from road rage. Some other 70-80 year old lady got the crap kicked out of her by some thugs in her shop 3 weeks ago. It`s called random violence, and unfortunately it is part of society.

The guy was screaming about a turn lane. I think he was trying to dispute the legality of my turn at the preceding light. It doesn`t matter anyways since the white sign clearly states left lane - left turn, middle - left turn or straight, and right lane - right turn. It doesn`t matter, I was following the sign and wasn`t even in his lane anyways.

05-31-2004, 05:39 PM
That`s harsh. At least it wasn`t a can of Skoal chew-spit or something. We`ve got plenty of those guys around here, too...