View Full Version : Oh the humanity!

05-27-2004, 01:16 AM
I was at the gym today and as I was walking in I noticed a gorgeous camaro. If this person was not an Autopian, they went to someone who was : ) Well anyways, it also had a For Sale sign posted on it. While I was there I saw several people stop to check it out as they walked by the vehicle. Later I see this disgusting cherokee pull up driven by this middle aged woman. I would be hard pressed to say this car had ever been washed and I swear I have never seen so many bird droppings on it. New, old, melted into, etc. I actually started to shake the car was that gross. Well anyways, she gets out of the jeep and leans over the camaro`s hood as her purse and keys sit on the hood. She then begins to write on a peice of paper (not a pad, one little sheet) on top of the hood. I could almost feel the ballpoint cutting through the paper. If only I had a moment more I would have walked out there and told her it was already sold and I apologized for the sign. But alas, she quickly sped away in the monstrosity. I almost wonder why she was interested in a car with the way she treated hers and others...

05-27-2004, 01:33 AM
Because ppl don`t give a $hit about their cars at all really, just want to boost their image supposively. Believe me, I had an ex who treated her car like crap until I actually washed it for her and gave it a full detail. Went from orange back to the red from which it came.