View Full Version : Cleaned up Mom`s Buick Century

05-26-2004, 05:04 PM
This is a late mother`s day present while she`s on vacation. When she was home, we could never find time when she could sit at home long enough during nice weather. I washed and clayed last Saturday, DACP and S100 SEC on Monday, EX-P and wheel cleaning today. Figure I`ve spent about 7 hours on it now, and I still gotta do the interior and some work on the headlights before she gets home this coming Saturday. Too bad the first time she`ll see it is when I pick her up from the airport -- 70 miles away. Maybe I`ll take some QD and clean it up in the parking garage :)

Before I got started


After the EX-P today


Dirty rear wheel


Clean rear wheel


05-26-2004, 05:07 PM
Inside the garage, camera is just a couple inches off the surface of the hood


Roof of the car


Mom likes lighthouses.. here`s one in her little garden


Overall shot of the car


05-26-2004, 05:12 PM
Awesome detail. I`m sure she`ll be blown away. :up

05-26-2004, 06:32 PM
Thanks. I know she`ll at least notice that it isn`t so dusty any more ;)

If I get bored, I may throw a coat of S100 wax on it on Friday.. just for grins.

05-26-2004, 07:57 PM
great job and not to be picking on your work,but dress the wheel wells.

05-28-2004, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by quamen

great job and not to be picking on your work,but dress the wheel wells.

Heh, I was doing the interior today and remebered about the dressing. I coulda sworn I had sprayed the wells w/ Armor All foam, and I was right. It was just that one corner there on the rear wheel that I missed, and the shadows were such that it showed up in the pictures. Went back and sprayed that area :)

Also applied a coat of S100 wax today.. Seemed to make the paint a little slicker and maybe made it look a little wetter. Had my camera with me, but the battery was at home. Doh.

I used a Mr. Clean eraser on the driver`s seat and that thing kicked all sorts of tail. Got out all sorts of dirt and made the leather look really nice. The rest of the seats just got Lexol cleaner and conditioner; they weren`t nearly as dirty. Hosed down the floormats, and the driver`s mat was especially dirty.. all kinds of dirt came out of it. Then I used a carpet brush to get some of the water out and brushed out more nasty stuff.

tom p.
05-28-2004, 05:50 PM
she looks like a million bux (I have a certain fondness for GM sedans). It is nothing less than remarkable how good a car can look with the use of some basic products that are available to all...it all boils down to time, temperment and technique (the 3 Ts :D) .

I`m certain she will be pleased as the car probably looks better than the day it was delivered.

Excellent fotos, BTW.

Thomas Dekany
05-28-2004, 05:59 PM
to protect the paint from the 140mile drive - you can tape the front with the blue Painters tape. That is what we use to use when driving to shows that were far away. Once you are back home, just pull it off and you have a clean car.