View Full Version : Chamois

General Lee
05-21-2004, 01:53 PM
Anyone see a problem in using "the Absorber" Chamois to dry a vehicle?

Its not leather, but the rubber like material I guess. They are super soft and I use them.

I ask this because evryone seems to use MF towels or WW towels.

05-21-2004, 02:07 PM
IMO I prefer a towel with some texture to it. With a smooth flat towel if any dirt finds its way under it then it has no where to go except for across you paint.


General Lee
05-21-2004, 05:50 PM
Good point.

05-21-2004, 06:00 PM
There is nothing wrong with using the ABSORER but working with a MF either a WW or regular is a lot easier and tends to absorb water in a greater amount.Also its easier on the hands

05-21-2004, 06:32 PM
I used and still like the Absorber for most general initial drying on pre- detailed cars. But once detailed I stick with the MF/WW. I would still use it to pre dry if I had to.. I just hold it by 2 corners and lay it on the car and do a *walk around* to pull off most the water. This way I am not exerting much surface pressure. I would then finish with the MF/WW.

I found the Absorber head and shoulders over the chamouis but when MF/WW came along .. pushed aside some.

BTW I just recieved 2 MF towels from JT International .. 24 x 24 and 2 are more than enough to dry my car. This is the second set I have and they don`t scratch.. get this .. total price to the house in CanaDUH shipping and exchange included .. $16.33 for the pair .. Price was something like $12 /pair shipped to the US. The first 2 I got I have been using over a year and they have been washed may times .. used exclusively for drying .. still just like new. And the tags are lil stick on stickers that you pick off .. not tags you tear off.

General Lee
05-21-2004, 08:15 PM
I`ll give the ole` MF/WW towels a shot.

I have just used a chamois for so long so that is what I am used to. I do however use MF for waxing/etc.

05-22-2004, 09:14 AM
I`m 38, so I`m a bit set in my ways, but I see no reason why you shouldn`t use a chamois for drying, either natural or synthetic.

I understand that many people find MF towels more absorbent and convenient, but they`re more expensive and require more care. MF`s are faster to dry with, but require much more thorough washing to rid them of any particles caught in the fibers.

Natural chamois seem to pull across the paint more smoothly than synthetics, but most synthetics hold more water.

Of course, it depends on your personal situation, but I think (high-quality) chamois are cost-effective, if not the most absorbent.

General Lee
05-22-2004, 11:45 AM
I`m will give MF`s a try, I`m not going to totally stop using a chamois, I would just like to see how they do. Its kinds like trying a new wax or polish.

Your right about them needing more thorough washing, I washed my MF waxing cloths and all kinds of stuff gets trapped in the fibers. Thanks for all the input.

05-22-2004, 02:03 PM
I`ve been using the abosober for the past year and found it very good and of course, absorbent.

But recently I have considered purchasing a WW from pakshak.com.

My plan is to run across the car quickly with the absorber then do the final drying with the WW.

05-24-2004, 07:18 AM
I can`t fight people set in there ways BUT as times change products change and new products are invented.Look at how far we have come in auto products in the last 10 years.I always compare it to the 8 track----cassette------>cd. One is better then the next Im sure something will come along that will top the MF its just a matter of time

05-24-2004, 09:23 AM
I agree completely; I do use MF - for exterior washing. And I even plan to upgrage from 8-track to CD by the end of the decade! :D