View Full Version : Swirls and their origin

05-21-2004, 04:16 AM
I can`t help but notice the array of topics on here regarding scratch and swirl removal. Can someone please inform me on just what car care habits cause swirls? For example I do not wash my car in a circular motion. I stick soley to washing it an in up and down fashion along panels roof etc. So far I see no swirl marks. Although my car is only a few weeks old. I have been taking care to not ruin my finish when I dry it, so the absorber is doing the trick. What habits help to decrease your car`s risk of nasty swirls?

05-21-2004, 04:29 AM
Automated Car washes (brushes), any scratchy towel, etc...that you use to dry your car, dirty wash mitt, dirty wash water, anything that touches your car could potentially cause swirl marks.

What colour is your Solara ?


05-21-2004, 04:37 AM
Yeah I thought those could be culprits too. No way in hell my car is going near an automatic car wash. Those guys don`t get a rats #@ss about your car`s finish since they are at best getting 8 bucks an hour. I managed to keep my 94 celica from automatic`s for a decade. Just sold it two weeks ago and spent an entire day detailing it for the new owner. Looked like it did the day I drove it home. Anyway my ride is lunar mist(sparkly silver)

05-21-2004, 08:28 AM
solarafiedV6, I have a Lunar Mist Tacoma, try the wolfgang products, they seem to pull out the green in the Lunar Mist.

05-21-2004, 09:49 AM
~One man’s opinion / observations ~

Surface Scratches (most common causes):

The most common causes of scratches to a paint film surface are:

·Using an automated car wash or using a brush to clean the vehicle or remove snow etc

·Placing or dragging an object across the trunk lid

·Using too much pressure with a car duster on a dusty / dirty surface

·Pulling a car-cover over a very dusty / dirty vehicle or dirt /grit on the inside of the cover

·Wiping a dry surface with a dry cloth

·Infrequent rinsing of brush or wash mitt when washing vehicle

·Using a dirty towel (dirt / grit trapped in fibres)

·Using a towel or cloth that is unsuitable for paint film surfaces

·Not thoroughly rinsing away roar grime before drying, when washing vehicle

·Using a car wash concentrate that doesn’t suspend grit / dirt before it gets rinsed away

·Using an automated car wash or using a brush to clean the vehicle or to remove snow etc.

·Wiping a spot of dirt / dust with your hands to maintain a ‘pristine’ look (most common cause of surface scratching)

·Using circular motions when washing or polishing vehicle (everything in straight line motions, you don’t want to add swirl marks)

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/Jon

justadumbarchitect *so I question everything*