View Full Version : What would you recommend??

Lead Car
05-19-2004, 07:05 PM
This will be my first time application on a new auto.

I plan to wash and dry by hand, clay and apply EX-P or

NxT or maybe even both. Any suggestions out there from others on what you would do for a first time application???

I do not see any swirls in the clearcoat on this vehicle.

Color is marlin blue.

General Lee
05-19-2004, 10:55 PM
Did you look for swirls/spider webbing at night under light? ie; well lit gas station.

if you have no swirls put a couple coats of NXT but wait 24 hrs between coats if you can. See how you like the turnout.

You could always use a good polish to enhance the vehicle`s color then top with a good carnuba wax. NXT has mild cleaners so it will remove what you used under it.

05-20-2004, 06:11 AM
81 hand polish then NXT X 2......

Soarer V
05-20-2004, 06:39 PM