View Full Version : how much of a difference?

05-18-2004, 06:42 PM
People I know, and some local detailer swears by Zymol products and says it`s the only one to use (of course he`s the only local person that sells it also ):o

How much of a difference is there from one manufactor to the next? Is there any one that is considered better than others by some means other than preference..?:shocked

05-18-2004, 07:02 PM
Its not the product all of the time. You could slap the finest carnauba over the worst surface in the world and it wouldn`t make a difference. Proper process is the key to a good looking car. Don`t get too tied up in brand names or anything like that. What the product does is more important that whose name is on the label.

Different products create different effects so it is very important to know what you want when you are looking for the right product to use. Do you want glossy or shiney? Do you want durability more than looks? What color is the paint? Different products definitely look better on specific colors. There is a lot to learn and there is no one product that is universally the `best` for all colors and cars. A black car with lots of curves would look better with one product than a black car that is pretty flat. Like I said, there is a lot to learn.

Zymol makes some good waxes, but are they the best? Probably for some people they are. Car detailing is an art and we all know that art is in the eye of the beholder. What looks good to one person is tacky to another. Don`t look for a product that pleases everybody because it simply is not out there.

05-18-2004, 07:12 PM
MyTime- Whenever someone tells you that a certain product (or product line) is "the only one to use", it`s time to start wondering about that person`s credibility. What Jngrbrdman said :xyxthumbs