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10-03-2004, 12:53 PM
hey clean dean, i was wondering, what do you think of nitrotech protein? from what i understand, theres more nutrients in it as a pose to just regular 100% whey protein. i`ve been using the GNC whey protein, but im contemplating about moving on to nitrotech, but the price is rather high....... is it worth the money?

also, have you heard of NO2? theres some guys at my school, one guy in particular. he was pretty thin, but as he took it, everyone noticed that he had gotten both bigger and much stronger. hes become one of the stongest in our grade (which doesnt say much).

thanks for the help!

10-03-2004, 05:51 PM
I haven`t tried that stuff yet, but I can say that Myoplex is pretty good. I`m testing the waters right now with energy stuff and high protein products as well.

Do you have a weight training class at your school? If you do, you should talk to the coaches about what`s good. My coach suggested Myoplex to me.

10-03-2004, 05:58 PM
You may want to start with a basic nutrition text or class. Understanding what all this is allows you to make smart choices for yourself rather than always doing what works for someone else. Knowledge is power.

10-03-2004, 06:06 PM
nope, i dont have a weight training class at school. i do most of my training at home.

10-03-2004, 06:57 PM
I am taking Optimum Nutrions 100% Whey and Pro Complex PM and will let you know how that goes in the future. Last year I just took the 100% Whey and was happy but I wanted something for night time as well.

10-03-2004, 08:28 PM
FWIW, I used to lift pretty seriously.

When I did I tried a lot of different proteins and ultimately I chose Myoplex. Although pricey, I liked the individual packet idea and how many nutrients/vitamins it had ontop of all of the protein. I use to mix it with Soy Milk and dropped some banana pieces in the chocolate shake. Yummy !

10-04-2004, 01:38 AM
hey what`s up guys..i`m not a professional body builder or anything like that, but i`ve been working out for a while.. My cousin has been taking NO2 for a while now and he loves it. I purchased NO2 awhile ago and ended up returning since i wasn`t feeling too daring. Recently, i started taking Pro Complex and haven`t really noticed anything since it`s a little too soon... i`ll keep you updated though.

10-04-2004, 05:03 PM
Send a PM to tdekany.


John Styrnol
10-04-2004, 05:08 PM
For all your protein needs try this place, awesome prices and excellent products.


10-05-2004, 12:53 AM
Send a PM to tdekany.


thanks for the help, ill do that rite now.

10-07-2004, 01:52 AM
hey guys, i went to GNC today, and i picked this up. i was browsing around at bodybuilding.com, and i noticed that this was the top seller. what the heck, i decided to buy a quart jar, 30 servings. however, i am still confused...... when should i be taking the whey protein. i`ve always been under the impression that whey should be taken after a workout. however, in a little paper that came with my whey protein, it said to take it before working out. should i take the protein preworkout, postworkout, or both?


Scott P
10-07-2004, 07:57 AM
By eating some protein before a workout, your body has it available as a resource to help your muscles as you workout. Having it right afterwards give your body the protein it needs to rebuild muscle.

I`ve been following the Abs Diet from Men`s Health. It`s a very nice program in my opinion. It concentrates more on weight reduction more than muscle building, but gives some great eating foundations.

I have some Optimum Nutrition Whey and EAS Simply Whey. The EAS was a killer deal this week at GNC. $32 for 5 lbs and then a 30% Gold Card Discount on top. For $42, we walked out with a jug of whey, 8 Myoplex RTD shakes and 3 recovery drinks. Not a bad deal at all.

I usually mix my whey in the form of smoothies. I work out in the morning before work (6:00 am), so it doubles as my breakfast. I`ll drink some right after my workout, then I finsih the rest on my way to work.

1 cup or so skim milk
1 scoop whey
1 cup frozen strawberries or a banana
2 tablespoons low fat yogurt
1 tablespoon natural peanut butter
1 tablespoon ground flax seeds.
1 package of instant regular oatmeal nked in 1 cup of water

That gives me a lot of protein and a good balace of complex carbs. It`s pretty filling, so I don`t get too hungy. I think it`s about 350-400 calories with 30 something grams of protein.

Myoplex are pretty good meal replacement drink. Even when mixed with water they are pretty good. I have one of those submersible hand mixers that I keep at the office for those. I sometimes have them as a 10:00 or 3:00 snack.

Clean Dean
10-07-2004, 01:50 PM

Sorry for not replying sooner. Have not been on the board for quite a while. My personal feeling on suppliments...

Most of your big name suppliments main ingredients are manufactured the same way, and most likely at the same plant. I was friendly with a manager of a large pharmacutical (spelling?) in Northern NJ when I was competing, and he informed me that whey protein is whey protein. It is all made the same, and it is just flavored, packaged and marketed differently. Back when I was competing (1995-2000) the "hot suppliments" were creatine, HMB, whey protein, met-rx, myoplex, vandryl sulfate, to name a few. I used the all in large quantities. The results...

I feel I would have attained close the same level of condition without the use of suppliments. It would have just been a bit harder. I would rank supliment use to be well behind..

1. Training
2. Diet
3. Rest
4. Suppliments come in a distant 4 on my list of what is needed for results.
The only exception would be the use of anabolic steriods and HGH. I have witness firsthand the amazing short term affects of these drugs, and I have also witnessed the horrific adverse effects these drugs have on individual lives.




Clean Dean
10-07-2004, 01:54 PM

BTW... One highlight of my bodybuilding career was a photo shoot I did for Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness with Sherry Goggins-Giardina. I will post the pics from the magazine when I get access to a scanner.

10-07-2004, 03:14 PM
Hey Dean,

That`s quite impressive!

I was watching MTV`s True Life: I Want The Perfect Body the other day. One of the guys was a natural builder and worked his tail off. I found it very interesting how 8-10 weeks before competition he started his stict diet of taking in only enough food (fuel) that his body will burn off in a day. He said something like 1200 cals a day...doing cardio and lifting everyday.

Furthermore, a couple days before the competition he was resting and taking on extra potassium to squeeze all of the water out of his muscles.

I see you know about this because he mentioned about showing every little muscle when up in front of the judges.