View Full Version : RainX, Nano, and S100

05-14-2004, 08:43 AM
Wednesday, I washed and waxed my car. After a discussion on Castrol Accuvision, their RainX type product, I decided to use the method that someone mention here to apply RainX. That it, glop the crap out of it, and then wash your car. Worked great. :up And man, I forgot how much nicer RainX is compared to that easy to apply stuff. And now, with whoever`s tip it was I read, the RainX is easy to apply too.

So, I`ve felt less than creative in my wax choices lately. I keep uisng ColorX, which is a good cleaner sealant, but after a few times it gets boring. Well, it`s still holding up since I guess 8 weeks ago, but I decided to try my free Nanowax again. I did half the hood and decided it was too diffucult to remove for the results it gave me, which were a little streaky, and stopped using it and got out the S100.

S100 was a little streaky, but it was starting to spinkle on me (rain, that is) and it looked great by the morning. I cannot belive how easy it is to put on a carnauba. Even though this is not the first time I`ve used it, as I`m about 1/3 through my jar, it still amazes me that I was under the impression that paste waxes were a pain all of my life.

That`s it. Just wanted to share. Disclaimer: I don`t work for any of these companies, well, unless they offer me some money to do so. Though I do tend to have the WhateverX products, don`t I.

05-14-2004, 08:49 AM
I used Nano Wax from EO and found it easy to remove. Just as easy as NXT wax if not easier

05-14-2004, 10:40 AM
How did you apply it? I`m trying to make it thin, but the product just isn`t all that thin. I`m thinking that I`m giving up too early on it, and maybe the stuff I`m getting is what`s been sitting in the little tube. I`ve thought about it, and I`m not seeing how I`m messing up.

I think next time I try it, I`ll do the trunk, since maybe the hood was too warm. Also, I`m not sure what the effect of me having the rain sprinkle on me is on the product.

05-14-2004, 10:49 AM
first of all i applied it in the shade on a cool DRY car...........Make sure the hood is cold not warm and most of all thin thin thin with a foam appy that is a little damp.The hell with the pump I use a despencer from US plastices.Nano wax is a thin product shake it up before using

05-14-2004, 10:59 AM
~One man’s opinion / observations ~

The best tip I’ve come across (so far) for polymers-

The secret to the application of any polymer product is to apply it thin (super thin) fill a spray bottle and mist a foam pad for application.

~Hope this helps~

Experience unshared; is knowledge wasted…/

justadumbarchitect *so I question everything*