View Full Version : Good combo for a couple of Firebirds

05-12-2004, 09:51 PM
I`ll be doing my 2001 Black WS6 T/A and my brother`s 1992 Red Firebird. They are both in generally the same situation. Swirls, no major scratches, and they are both due for some wax for protection and shine.

I have a PC on it`s way, but I need help selecting products and pads. I have been reading and the two combos that catch my eye for the swirls are the Menzerna products and Meguiar`s #9, #82 and MPPC. Any suggestions?

I`d like to lay a nice glaze down (Maybe #7?) and a good layer of protection. (I was thinking High Tech Yellow Wax (Is paste or liquid better?) These are both cars that are outside 100% of the time, so is there another glaze/protectant combo that might hold up a bit better?

And finally, what LC pads should be used on these products?

05-13-2004, 11:00 AM
Sounds like you have a pretty good plan, and all of what you said sounded good to me. However, I`m not a PC person, and really, I`m just bumping this up.

I`d use whatever the other threads for similar cars say to use. Whatever you use on the black, should look great on the red also.

Not sure on the longevity of High Tech Yellow Wax.

05-13-2004, 05:32 PM
PF - Glad to see you join up.

I recommend Menzerna products because I have found them to be very effective and they contain no fillers.

For cars that are outside all the time, I would definitely go with a sealant and you can top it with a carnauba if you want. I am using Wolfgang and S100 right now.

I use the LC 6.5" pads - yellow or orange with Menzerna Intensive polish and white with Menzerna Final polish. This is just a general guideline, always go with the least aggresive method.

Soarer V
05-13-2004, 06:07 PM
Have you seen what Scottwax does with #16 on black?

05-14-2004, 08:24 PM
Well, I ordered before you guys posted, ZaneO and Soarer... What I ordered is completely different from what you suggested but I think it should work pretty well. I got:





I realized, I wash my car twice a week during the summer and I don`t mind semi-frequent reapplications of wax... so I thought #26 would give a good result given these facts. I`m wondering though, after the cleaning, polishing, glazing and waxing is done and I`ve washed and QDed a few times, what do I re-apply? Will an application of #81 and #26 in a month work well? Do I have to "remove" the #26 before I go for #81 or will it not be a problem?


(For some dumb reason I threw a bottle of #7 on the order too, not realizing that #81 is very, very close, and the Hand Polish comes in a 32oz bottle... lol)