View Full Version : need help...shaved emblem outlines...

05-12-2004, 01:08 PM
In the last couple of days I shaved all the emblems off of my truck. I did the tailgate a couple days ago, had some dust picking up on the outlines of where the letters were, so i clay barred last night and everything came out fine. Also, last night i took the emblems off of the doors. I took them off, used adhesive remover, clay barred, and waxed 3 times...this morning the outlines of where the letters were are still picking up dust. so now i have this dirty outlines of Ram 1500 on my doors. What do I do now? I dont have access to a buffer, I`m doing this 100% man power.

05-12-2004, 01:48 PM
I did the same thing to my truck, I don`t know if you have a milky appearance or not where the emblems were, but if you do there was a service bulletin that said to heat the area with a heat gun and it would go away, if it is just the outlines showing up like you said, a cleaner wax took care of that problem for me.

05-12-2004, 02:00 PM
Nope, not milky. When the truck is polished you can`t even tell they are there. it`s only when i get a fine layer of dust over it, more dust sticks to the outlines and creates a ghosting effect.

05-12-2004, 02:11 PM
Try a light polish on it.