View Full Version : NXT vs. Zymol cleaner Wax (streaking)?

05-11-2004, 11:15 AM
If anyone has ever used the zymol cleaner wax (kinda perrywinkle blue) that can be purchased at wal-mart for 13 dollars, how does it compare to NXT when I comes to streaking? I have noticed no streaking when using zymol on my dark blue subaru, even when an excessive amount is put on. My definition of streaking is an oily/shiny residue that is left on the paint after buffing the dry wax off. I had a horrible time with Rain-X ultra wax regarding this issue. The tools that I use are the following when apply/removing wax: Manufacturer`s supplied foam applicator, terry cloth to remove/buff wax. I do not have an electric buffer or a microfiber cloth. Can NXT be used without the aid of an electric buffer and still yield a streak free result?

Thanks in advance.


05-11-2004, 11:35 AM
How long are you leaving NXT on your paint before you wipe it off? You should leave it on at least 15 minutes, maybe longer if it is humid. Do the swipe test to see if you need to wait longer. Just swipe with your finger and if it smears it is not ready.

05-11-2004, 11:38 AM
I`ve not use the Meguires NXT yet. It`s been raining here in the Pacific Northwest (no duh). Additionally, I`m a college student, so my car is parked outside and has no cover. When I`ve used zymol cleaner wax I let the wax "sit" for approx. 30 minutes before I start to remove it.

05-11-2004, 11:42 AM
From your posts I assumed you had used it and were seeing streaking. I have been using NXT since January and the only time I have seen streaking with it is when it is not left to fully cure before removing it. That is about 15 minutes under normal conditions. If you put it on too thick or it is humid it will take longer to cure before you can remove it. As I said, do the swipe test and you should be fine.

11-05-2004, 10:35 AM
15 and 30 minutes you guys are letting the wax sit on your car? Are you supposed to wait that long normally? I`ve been using Zymol cleaner wax the last couple times I`ve waxed and I`ve left it on for no more than like 1 minute. After 1 minute is gets all dry and hazy and I buff it off. I`m supposed to leave waxes on for a long time before buffing it off? I`ve never heard of the swipe test before, and it doesn`t mention anything like that on the labels. Maybe I`ve been waxing wrong or prematurely.

Oh and the Zymol cleaner wax smells really good. You almost want to eat it... :xyxthumbs