View Full Version : Center console stained,which vinyl cleaner ?

05-10-2004, 06:06 PM
The center console is light tan, the stain is light blue color ( JEANS? )

I tried Meg`s #40 with a vinyl brush,but nothing happened.What`s the next step?

Thanks :xyxthumbs

imported_Dave Holmes
05-11-2004, 01:16 AM
If it is just a surface stain or blemish, Meg`s #39 (Vinyl Cleaner) may work well, especially with a soft brush. It is a dedicated cleaner with no protection, so #40 after would be a good idea.

I`ve also had very good luck with Soft Scrub. Just make sure it is the kind WITHOUT bleach. I use a wet rag or soft toothbrush, a very small amount of Soft Scrub, and very, very light pressure. It may take a couple of passes, but it will remove a lot of stains other cleaners haven`t touched. Be sure to rinse the area with a wet rag several times, and when dry, apply a protectant (#40). This is a very effective way of removing the built up grime in textured vinyl (like door panels).

An all-purpose cleaner may work for you also (like Meg`s APC+, simple Green, Orange Blast, etc...). I`ve found they aren`t usually as effective against stain type blemishes as the Soft Scrub.

I have heard very good things about the Mr Clean Magic Eraser, and have even bought one. Unfortunately, I haven`t found anything to try it on yet! I go to bed everynight hoping one of my kids will scuff my door panel or something, but it hasn`t happened yet. Maybe I trained them too good!

Hope this helps.


Matt M, PA
05-11-2004, 09:53 AM
Dave..I bought a Mr Clean eraser and while it works well in the house..I have yet to find it all that helpful around the car.

If the console is not painted...but actually molded in color, I found the Stoner trim cleaner (whatever the vinyl cleaner is called) gets out most stains...but it is VERY strong and will wipe off the paint if the parts are painted. Again....use this carefully it is potent.

05-30-2004, 09:34 PM
Thanks Dave & Matt. :xyxthumbs