View Full Version : What about the wheels?

05-09-2004, 12:07 AM
I`ve been learning here all about products, abrasives and power tools and it`s great stuff . . . Thx all.

But what about my wheels. I have not come across any threads about a possible product that I could apply to my wheels on my Saab 9-5`s (coated wheels, not coated, I don`t know the diff yet).

But they get dirty and brake dusty quickly. The sprays take the stuff off great (with a little brushing) but isn`t there a product that I could apply like I apply waxes to the paint work made for wheels so they won`t attract the oils and dirt so quickly?


imported_Yosemite Dan
05-09-2004, 12:31 AM
Yeah the wax you just used on your paint.;)

Actually I`m being serious outside of putting on new brake pads there isn`t much you can do. Waxing them will limit it somewhat but it`s one of the drawbacks of the pads they put on many new cars nowadays.

05-09-2004, 08:05 AM
Well that`s not good news:mad:

I have not sprung for the low brake dust pads yet, as they are in the $75 for two wheels range. I figured I`d let these wear out first and see how bad they were for brake dust. Their bad!

Worst thing I was doing (which I read about here) was over spray with Meg hot wheel tire shine. What a mess that makes a few days later as it picks up oil and brake dust from the road too.

If I waxed them, I was worried that the heat from the brakes would cause the wax to yellow or something like that if I tried that without checking here first..

What is needed is for someone to invent a spray or wipe on heatproof coating. Some type of clear Teflon coating or maybe even an electronic device that charges the wheels to give them an opposite ion charge that would repel dirt.

Might as well charge the whole car while they are doing it to repel dirt. Or at least repel that green pollen thats coated my car last night as every night this time of year. Best invention was the California car duster, I love this thing.

Where is Ron Popiel when you really need him . . . the pocket fisherman, the spray on hair for the bald spot, the showtime oven (which is the best one, actually it works great)

what I want to hear now is Ron Popiels spray on Teflon Wheel Keeper Cleaner. I think I`ll email him this thread :xyxthumbs

05-09-2004, 09:17 AM
I have been using NXT on mine and it has cut down on the amount of brake dust that sticks to the wheels. Washing them off is easier as well.

I would try whatever you have lying around that you may have retired from paint duty.

05-09-2004, 09:39 AM
I use Vanilla Moose Hand Glaze and it adds a sparkle to the wheels along with protection. Very easy on & off too.

05-09-2004, 09:45 AM
Use a sealant on the wheels, not a wax that will just melt from the heat. I use SG

05-09-2004, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Tallman

I have been using NXT on mine and it has cut down on the amount of brake dust that sticks to the wheels. Washing them off is easier as well.

I would try whatever you have lying around that you may have retired from paint duty.

Good idea. I`ll try that. I just finished a can of Classic car wax (in a black can) that I still had which I used on my 1968 white triumph Spitfire convertible which I bought new (loved that car). It was the best stuff at the time for waxing cars in those days. Then I went to Meg`s Mold Release Wax which was used for the fiberglass molds used in the boat making process, seemed to stay on the car forever. I have a new can of one of the newer Meg`s waxes that I picked up a few weeks ago, but I hate it as it leaves white residual on the scratches and the black plastic. I learned of P21s on my Saab forum and it`s a dream. Goes on and off amazing. Maybe it`s pricey but you might be able do an entire airplane with one jar, that`s how far it seems to go.

Don`t want to waste it on the wheels though, so your idea of using any old stuff is great.


05-09-2004, 09:59 AM
Just yesterday cleaned my wheels real good and then used some old nu finish I had sitting around. Which did a great job of taking off some muck that didn`t seem to want to come off otherwise.

05-09-2004, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by kiwi133

Just yesterday cleaned my wheels real good and then used some old nu finish I had sitting around. Which did a great job of taking off some muck that didn`t seem to want to come off otherwise.

I saw nu finish mentioned in another thread. It said since its acrylic, its not affected by the heat from the brakes as much. Makes sense to me!

05-09-2004, 10:19 AM
Well I don`t think its an acrylic, but is likely very heat resistant since you are supposed to be able to apply it in the sun.

05-09-2004, 10:23 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by kiwi133

Well I don`t think its an acrylic, but is likely very heat resistant since you are supposed to be able to apply it in the sun.


Oops, I meant synthetic.