View Full Version : My First Wolfgang Experience

05-03-2004, 10:07 AM
Well I finally broke out the WG last night on my wife`s Explorer. I don`t have pics at the moment but will post soon. I used the WG pre - cleaner and the WG sealant (have yet to order the WG QD). Washed with WG auto bathe and clayed the car.

My initial impressions are that the WG pre cleaner is very easy to use, no muss, no fuss. I used my PC for application with a white pad and thought it was a breeze to use.

The WG sealant is super easy to use. WG is more like UPP in that it is only 1 product vs. Zaino (which I like as well but think of more of initially as a 2 step product). Very easy application as well with a foam app by hand. The sealant seemed to be more like Klasse, a little on the watery side versus the the more viscous consistency of UPP or Zaino.

Impressions: WG is very easy to use and produces a very slippery smooth feeling with great reflectivity. I finished the car in the evening so I haven`t yet seen it in the light but I can`t wait. I`m also going to top with Pinnacle Liquid Souveran and Pinnacle Paste Glaze as well just to see how it looks.

Overall, another satisified WG user. Now I just need more cars to use UPP, WG, Zaino, and the Klasse on my shelves!

05-03-2004, 10:17 AM
Thanks for the writeup. I`ve had great experiences with WG polsih and sealant myself. Very slick and leaves a beautiful finish.

05-03-2004, 10:22 AM
Just to add my limitied experience:

After 3 weeks, several rains, and 2 washes, WG`s still holding up well. Still beading like mad, even on windows.

What *has* diminished is the slickness. Very noticeable difference now. Not nearly as slick as the first week.

However, slickness returns once I QD. A little more so with Z-6 than with WG QD but both are great, really.

Of course, a bit of luster is lost too with the washings and rain but again, QD restores it just like it should.

05-03-2004, 10:38 AM
maecrispy thanks for the heads up re: WG QD or Z6. Z6 has to be my favorite QD of all that I have tried. I`m still debating on whether or not to pick up the WG QD or just stick with my trust Z6.

05-03-2004, 10:47 AM
Originally posted by adjulian

maecrispy thanks for the heads up re: WG QD or Z6. Z6 has to be my favorite QD of all that I have tried. I`m still debating on whether or not to pick up the WG QD or just stick with my trust Z6.

I agree with you on Z-6. I ended up going with WG since a gallon of WG QD is significantly cheaper (especially on autogeek with discount) than a gallon of Z-6.

I`ll miss the Z-6 smell though!

I did email Sal to see if they offer bulk sizes for their products. I`ll post if I get a reply.