View Full Version : Pad descriptions

04-29-2004, 08:26 PM
Hi All

I`m wondering when someone says "I used product X with a yellow pad and then I used product Y with a white pad" and so on, are they talking about a specific manufacturer or is there some kind of universal colour code for pads? :confused:



04-30-2004, 03:42 AM
Yeah.... this is personal pet peeve of mine. I wish people would refer to pads by their purpose, NOT colour!

Most people imply Lake Country pads, which are sold by most online stores.

Yellow: Cutting

White: Polishing

Black: Finishing

Meguiar`s colours are:

Purple/Maroon: Cutting

Yellow: Polishing

Tan: Finishing

As you can see, someone unhelpfully saying he used a "yellow pad" can cause some confusion. :down There are a few smaller manufacturers too, and I don`t know how they encode their foams.....

04-30-2004, 11:35 AM
Thanks, Brian. You da man! :D