View Full Version : Have you guys read this (hot off Autopia)

09-30-2004, 02:57 PM
Ring Master

POSTS: 3382
JOINED: Mar 2001
LOCATION: Under the big top

Autopia Needs to be Reformed
The last 12 months of my life have been a blur. My days go by in a blink. My total focus has been on my business… just trying to keep up.

Sadly, the growth of my business has caused other things to take a back seat, including Autopia. Over the last few days, I have read several posts that caused me to sit back and ask “Is this what Autopia has become?” The bickering, name calling, positioning and “cliques” have risen to a new level.

If this is what Autopia has become, it’s no longer the community I set out to build. It’s no longer a place I can call home. It no longer embodies the essence of “Autopia.”

Here are some of the issues I see that need to change:

Autopia is no longer polite. We have members who feel it is their right or place to “tell it like it is” or to “expose the truth”. To me, this is simple posturing… for what I cannot speculate.

Autopia is split by product camps. Members of these camps ardently defend any and all comments regarding their beloved brand. This takes the fun out of potentially interesting discussions. The issue become a battle over who is right or wrong, rather that a simple personal preference.

Autopia has become spam-ville. Dozens of vendors, resellers, agents and manufacturers use the community as a marketing tool, yet almost none support the cost or management of the community. Many of these people do not identify themselves as having a commercial interest in detailing products, conducting trolling missions.

Autopia has become unfriendly to new members. Many senior members have taken an elitist position that turns off new and long-time members alike.

Anything I’m forgetting? I’m sure there is. What are your thoughts?

Help me rewrite the rules that will take us through 2005. What do you want to change?

09-30-2004, 03:04 PM
Yup.....it`s pretty sad how there are so many assholes that have to ruin it for the rest of us.

09-30-2004, 03:04 PM
Yep. Read 1 page and I got sick of it. They know reformation is needed. Nevertheless DC is spam free and so much nicer to newbies here. Either way both forums are valuable to the detailing community!

09-30-2004, 03:14 PM
I knew there was a reason why I never really ventured over there. I don`t know about anyone else but I know the reason I come to the DC is because I like to keep my baby in the garage better than new and soak up any information that I can. A few laughs now and then is always a good thing as well. That is my biggest pet peave when a newb posts asking a question and someone has to be a smart A$$ and be nasty about it. When all that has to be said is ... "If you go to the search and type in Whatever" you will come up with a ton of information.

It takes more energy to be nasty than it does to be nice so whats the point. Further more do you really think some guy thousands of miles away is going to care....

Some people just need to grow up....

In other words ...Dwayne thanks for keeping up a site thats both informative and fun! Keep up the good work and lets keep the bad folk out!

09-30-2004, 03:25 PM
Best of luck to the folks over there. They have a great forum and alot of members so it is in the best interest of the auto care profession/hobby that they thrive and succeed and continue to offer a great resource for auto detailing and car care.

We have an extra banning axe that Charles sharpened especially for The Fuzz to use but we can share if they ask nicely. :naughty

Might need some smooooother mods though to handle such a sharp axe!

Seriously though, I wish them all the best. :bigups


09-30-2004, 03:30 PM
You`re the one with all the smooth mods........


09-30-2004, 03:32 PM
I agree. That place has sucked lately. I was getting flamed for saying I liked a certain wheel cleaner!

Scott P
09-30-2004, 03:36 PM
It`s all a natural part of growth. There isn`t a whole lot wrong with Autopia. They keep a good control of spammers and people are helpful or knowledgeable for the most part. There are certain members that have become jaded though, at that clique tends to be the source of many issues.

I can see thier points though. A lot of people do get wrapped up in a flavor of the month. It can get tiresome to see by someone who has seen so many products come and go. The bittterness has just gotten the best of them. :(

Rather than point out problems with Autopia, why not just let it get solved by itself? No use talking bad about a place that has provided many of us with great information.

09-30-2004, 04:03 PM
Rather than point out problems with Autopia, why not just let it get solved by itself? No use talking bad about a place that has provided many of us with great information.


09-30-2004, 04:09 PM


09-30-2004, 04:10 PM
Lately Autopia has reminded me of the Roadfly forums. A bunch of elitists. I have been a member there for longer than DC but keep coming back here

09-30-2004, 04:18 PM
Rather than point out any issues that any other websites may or may not have I am going to close this thread simply because they are not here to respond to anything that is being said to them.

I highly encourage those that want to offer advice or encouragement to contact the owners, admins or webmasters of the other forums.

Let`s move on to what makes Detail City special to us and that is our love of clean and shiney rides.
