View Full Version : woo-hoo! Rotary usage

04-29-2004, 09:36 AM
As you can tell I got to play with my new DW849 today! I own a Black car so I was REALLY scared of hologram marks on my hood...so I drove to my parents house and tested it on my moms car first :D Needless to say I am very surprised at the ease of buffing out scratches/swirls ect! What a time saver!! I really thought this was going to be a pull the trigger and hang on for dear life and hope and pray you dont tear a windshield wiper off...but it was very easy to control...thats a good thing, both wipers are still there :)

I do however understand about the horizontal racing stripe people talk about...I have a nice product line about belt high.

So on to the hood of my car after determining I can control this beast. For being a heavy machine it really moves quite smoothly :up and all the swirls/micro marring gone in about 10 minutes. I`ll post some pics when I am back on my computer and not on dial up.

Sorry to jabber on and on but this was a really cool experience for me :D

P.S. No hologram marks when you keep the pad flat :xyxthumbs

04-29-2004, 10:33 AM
It`s funny you posted this, because I got to use my DW849 for the first time yesterday also. I used mine on my wife`s White Taurus which was terribly swirled from the dealer, and after various half hearted attempts with the PC and DACP I decided to take a chance with the rotary. I used Menzerna IP with the yellow CMA pad and the results were amazing. So easy to use, and such good results.

Bill D
04-29-2004, 10:34 AM
This sounds very promising for us rotary users wannabes who still felt too scared to try one. Definitely looking forward to the pics :xyxthumbs

04-29-2004, 03:52 PM
I`m sure that it can cause damage if not used correctly, but it is not the monster it seems to be thought of.