View Full Version : Heay scratches in sunroof

04-28-2004, 09:39 AM
Can anyone give me pointers on removing heavy scratches from glass. I have gone out and purchased 1500 to 2500 grit paper. I think I will wetsand it and see how that goes. I was just wondering if anyone has had experience in doing this and it there are things that I should be doing.

As well..... In order to wetsand I would assume that I would need to have water constantly running on it.



04-28-2004, 10:10 AM
This may be just me but with the thickness (should say thiness) of modern glass I`d be real careful of trying to remove heavy scratches as to remove them you need to abrade to some level of of the scratch which may leave you very little actual glass.

Most glass repair shops won`t attempt this kind of repair due to the high risk.

As to wet-sanding you would need to use plenty of water

04-28-2004, 11:23 AM
That`s a tough one. Practice practice practice on a spare piece or in a low visible area first.

04-28-2004, 12:35 PM
My thougts are to first start with the highest paper and work my way down to something I feel that is working but not creating additional scratches.

I was just wondering if many had tried this.

Matt M, PA
04-28-2004, 01:49 PM
Heavy scratches.,..meaning you can catch your fingernail in them? If they are this bad, you are better of leaving it alone, as you will have to take too much glass off to get rid of the scratch.

But...for lighter scratches, you could use a kit like the one Eastwood sells. It`s basically a big felt "bob" that goes on a drill, and a powdery paste that you mix into a slurry that is worked into the glass with the bob.

It takes a while, and makes a mess, but it is much safer. I used a set-up like that in the past on a vehicle with god results. The only drawback I saw was a slight "wave" in the glass where the marks were. Hardly noticeable and much better than the marks that were there.

04-29-2004, 08:59 PM
Well I am moving forward with this little project. I have decided to give it a shot as I have nothing to loose. I have started off with creating a small dremel buffing pad using outdoor doublesided tape and high grit sandpaper.

I am wetsanding with 800 grit right now with good results. I plan on moving up to 2500 in the end. The probem I see having later is getting all the fine scratches out. The reason is that when I have the water running over it it`s hard to see the fine stuff.

Anyone have any ideas on how I can get around this?
