View Full Version : FIRST Detail this Weekend - What polish to use?

04-28-2004, 09:16 AM
I am attempting my first detail with my PC this weekend. I am not new to detailing but I am new to using a PC and some new products.

Here is what I thought would work out well:

Meguiars #2 Fine Cut Cleaner

Polish - Show Car Glaze or Maching Glaze (ANY OTHER SUGGESTIONS?) I really want an awesome shine!

Topped with NXT

Will a little or non-abrasive polish be OK to use after the more abrasive #2? Please recommend one that will give me a great shine, clarity, and depth.

Am I missing any steps otehr than washign and possibly claying?

THANK YOU VERY MUCH! It is great to eb able to get this information froma ll of you guys!



It is hard to tell my surface condition but it isnt that bad, just some swirls and a few light scratches.

04-28-2004, 09:27 AM
#2 is some pretty heavy-duty stuff. Do you have a lot of swirls/marring that you are trying to eliminate? I think you could start with a much milder product and still have great success. What is the condition of your paint?

If you don`t have major issues that you are trying to correct, you could start with #9, or even #82 with your PC. These will both be a great polish by PC and won`t be overkill like the #2 might be. I would recommend the #3 Machine Glaze as a 2nd step..I have always had great luck with that product and would use it over #7 on a PC any day.

Then you can top with NXT easily enough. It took me a minute or two to get used to working with NXT as it was a touch thicker than I expected it to be, but such is the way with any new product. Let us know what the condition of your paint is, the only thing I am worried about is getting too aggressive with the #2..it is a pretty serious compound.

04-28-2004, 09:31 AM
LOL..nevermind. I am looking at the pic you posted. Just by your description and the picture, I would stay away from #2. It`s a lot more aggressive than I think you would need.

If you interested in staying with Meguiar`s, I would suggest either #9 Swirl-Mark Remover or #82 Swirl-Free Polish. Then follow up with #3 Machine Glaze, and top with NXT. Others here will have other product suggestions, but I think I`m safe saying that #2 is a bit much.

04-28-2004, 09:31 AM
Thanks, so then maybe this would be alot better because I don`t have any major paint defects other than a few swirls:


Machine Glaze or Other


Are there any other polishes or glazes that would be recommended? I like Meguiars but I know there are alot of other products out there too so I am open to any suggestions!

I agree that #2 may be a little too harsh.



04-28-2004, 02:07 PM
Any other recommendations from some light cleaning, a polish, and a wax?

What about Klasse or P21S?



04-28-2004, 02:33 PM
Klasse is a very nice cleaner, but will not do much for you in terms of getting rid of swirls or other paint defects. And P21s is a very nice wax, but I would get a tub of S100. Same stuff, just advertised for motorcycles and quite a bit cheaper. Should be able to find that at any Harley shop. If you`re going to pick up the S100, you might also want to check out the S100 Shine-Enhancing Cleaner. It`s a very mild polish/glaze that would fit as a nice final step before adding the wax. Really warms the paint up for S100/P21s

04-30-2004, 02:20 AM
I hate to say this, but pictures can be highly deceiving and horribly unreliable. I would be very hesitant to make any specific, 100% sure recommendation based purely on a photo. It always comes down to the in-person assessment.

Please see my suggestion at the end of your other thread, and good luck: http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=36791