View Full Version : Liquid Glass

04-26-2004, 02:35 PM
Has anyone used it? Opinions?

04-26-2004, 03:04 PM
I have never but my dad swears by it and is silly with it....cars, boats, windows....hell he even does she shower doors

Bill D
04-26-2004, 03:09 PM
He he, I`ve done the same, it was the first sealant I bought, Yeah ,pretty good but I`m betting if you want to go store bought any of the Meg`s sealants are even nicer

04-26-2004, 03:15 PM
You might want to do a search on it and read some of the older posts from the archives. We`ve talked about it before.

Kind of an old skool sealant, light cleaning ability, similar to Finish First, Meguiar`s #20, Duragloss, Klasse AIO.

04-26-2004, 03:33 PM
I still use it as a sealant for my main seasonal detailing. Topped with S100 on my white Grand Cherokee, I can`t imagine a much nicer look, and the durability seems great (although regular S100 applications make it hard to determine which is to credit).

Definitely recommended for the price range and OTC availability. :xyxthumbs

04-26-2004, 03:47 PM
What about products from Griots Garage?

I know, I`m starting to make you nutz, huh?

Bill D
04-26-2004, 04:11 PM
IMHO for similar and less expense you can get better polishes, waxes and sealants, I would look and see which brands are mentioned here on the forums most and pick from those

04-26-2004, 05:44 PM
I can`t comment on it`s value as I not used other brands of sealant but for me it worked very well. I purchased it a few a few years ago and used it on my vehicle and boat.

The finish on the black vehicle seemed to last about 2 months before it a new application was required. I thought it would last longer from the marketing so I was a little dissappointed. (I know now that I didn`t properly prep the vehicle so that may have been a contributing factor.) The finish was very slick and reflective and the colored deepened after applying the second coat but I saw no improvement adding more coats on top of that.

This stuff was amazing on my boat. I applied 3 coats to the hull at the beginning of last summer and when I took the boat out of the water (fresh) almost 5 months later water was still beading on the sides and stern. It reduced the water-line staining significantly as well when compared to previous years using boat wax.

04-26-2004, 05:52 PM
I agree with Brett. There are better polymers out there that use the lastest techology. Finish first is appears to be abrasive and can`t really layer. I would keep it for the boat and find something else for the cars! I have good luck with nu finish too on my boat....it really lasts on the gel coat.

04-27-2004, 11:45 AM

Looks like it does decently, compared to the other sealants reviewed here. Higher than NXT and only Blackfire, Platinum UPP, and the Zainos rate higher--and those only by half a star.

But experimentation is half the fun. When my LG is out, I`ll probably try Blackfire or AIO.

The S100 topper remains the key, as far as I`m concerned. That one`s sticking around.

Lead Car
05-21-2004, 05:57 PM
It does a nice job but when you run your finger across the finish it will leave a haze track.