View Full Version : How to apply liquid wax ?

04-24-2004, 06:55 PM
Foam pad ?

MF Towel ?

PC ?

Something else ?

Which one ?

Thanks :xyxthumbs

04-24-2004, 06:59 PM
If it is a last step product with no cleaners, foam pad to apply.

If it`s a cleaner liquid wax, terry or mf applicator.

If you have a PC, it`s a huge time savings (for me).

--LSP: finishing pad

--Cleaner: polishing pad

All can get a mf towel removal.

*edit* My girlfriend is in Boston for school and said she heard a radio spot for some detailing supply place with a 2 for 1 today on Meg`s stuff. Have you heard this jazz? Supposedly it`s good on their site, too.

04-24-2004, 07:32 PM
Bummer, I don`t listen radio stations. :angry

I ordered the PC,not here yet,I only have polishing pads from Megs.

Also ordered 64oz bottle from Megs too.I haven`t done it yet,but I`m thinking of is,get a small spray bottle the spray on the pad.

Is that sound good ?

04-24-2004, 07:41 PM
64 oz. of what? Very few things are "sprayable." Some use Klasse SG with a spray bottle and I use 1Z GW with a spray bottle (but even that is contested around this place). Any other paste will be too thick to use.

64 oz bottles are unwieldy, so look around at Wal*Mart, craft stores etc... for smaller plastic bottles with dispensers. Worse comes to worst, buy some cheap mustard, throw away the yellow stuff and deep clean the bottle and screw dispenser.

04-24-2004, 07:47 PM
This is what I got for my 1st detail (My car):xyxthumbs

Wash NXT

Clay Mothers

Step 1 (http://www.meguiars.com/store_meguiars/product_detail.cfm?sku=M-97)

Step 2 (http://www.meguiars.com/store_meguiars/product_detail.cfm?sku=M-07)

Step 3 (http://www.meguiars.com/store_meguiars/product_detail.cfm?sku=M-26) Fixed :xyxthumbs

04-24-2004, 07:50 PM
Your step 2 and 3 links are both #7. What are you topping it with? I did a white LS400 today with Menzerna IP, FP, #7, and #16 and it came out really great. Before you even open your bottle of #7, search around here to find the best way to use it because it can be VERY frustrating if you don`t know the proper plan of attack.

04-25-2004, 12:07 AM
What`s wrong with #7 ? :nixweiss

04-25-2004, 06:52 AM
Nothing at all is wrong with #7. You do need to top it with a non-cleaner last step product, as the oils in #7 are 1) easy to disappear -and- 2) are the key to the great results.

When I say non-cleaner, I mean don`t use #20 or any cleaner waxes. I would stick with #16 or #26. #26 comes in a liquid if you like that form.

#7 requires two removal steps due to the high oil content. When you first go to remove it, it will look smeary EVERYWHERE. Do this first step with a terry towel. Remove most of the residue with this terry towel. Then go back over the whole car with a mf. Use this to remove almost all of the rest. The car should be squeaking (literally) at this point, but you don`t have to be meticulous. Your last step product`s application and removal will get the last 3-4% of #7 residue.