View Full Version : Washing wheels

04-24-2004, 07:27 AM
WHen you wash wheels do you like to just spray a wheel cleaner and then use a soft brush OR do you use wheel cleaner and a carwash solution with the brush to clean?

04-24-2004, 07:47 AM
How long has it been? As with the paint, prep is the key. I use shampoo because I place sealant on the wheels every two months and qd as often as possible. If you want to deep clean before placing the sealant on the wheel, go with a dedicated wheel cleaner and the brush.

04-24-2004, 07:58 AM
its been two weeks since I washed the truck. Had to drive it in a lot of rain too.

04-24-2004, 10:04 AM
I also been noticing hairline scratches on my chrome aluminum alloy rims. I`m using this brush http://autopia-carcare.com/oxo-17006.html

Then again, maybe it was already there from the previous owner:nixweiss

Bill D
04-24-2004, 10:28 AM
I try to always wash wheels with a mitt ( I have some sheepskin, will get some chenille too) and a car wash solution. Sometimes it may be necessary to repeat, not as fast results as with a wheel cleaner but IMO safer/ having to take more time is better

04-24-2004, 11:04 AM
What everyone else has recommended. Using a sealant on a regular basis will help keep your wheels clean. Additionally, on a weekly basis I also use EO wax and dry.

04-24-2004, 02:40 PM
I wash with Griot`s Boar`s hair brush. It`s pricey, but a good investment for wheels. I just use regular car wash and the brush. Haven`t really had to use any wheel cleaner because I wash them pretty much every week so nothing really builds up.

04-24-2004, 06:27 PM
I always use car wash soap, otherwise the wax on my wheels will be removed and then I`ll need to rewax.

If I purposely want to rewax and want to remove it all, I still use EFHI.

And yes after waxing I still use Rain-X Wheel protectant.

here`s the link (http://www.autopia.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=2486) to the way I wash my wheels. I tend to use brushes as well to get the nooks and crannies