View Full Version : FIRST DETAIL, Suggestions???

04-24-2004, 12:45 AM
`02 530i Sport-Prem, Titanium Silver.

The paint is in a fairly good condition and feels smooth. I`m not planning to go crazy, just two products.

I`m thinking Klasse All-in One, followed by a good carnubba wax like P21S. I also read S100 was good ( what is it?)

How many layers of each should I apply.

When I apply these products, should I apply them over the moonroof glass or not, over the black trim around the side windows?

What should I use as an applicator, and what kind of towels for buffing.

How about the wheels. They are composite style 42 wheels. What`s the best product for tires?

Anything I should be carefull of, any special tricks or tips for this color paint?



04-24-2004, 01:32 PM

Welcome to Autopia!

I`m a relative newbie here but I`ll jump in and give you my $.02.

1. Does the paint need to be clayed? polished? If not, AIO followed by P21S sounds good if your paint is in very good condition.

2. S100 is a carnuba that is much cheaper than P21S but apparently gives similar results. I have never used S100; however, from what I have gathered it was/is made for motorcylces but works great on cars/trucks.

3. Apply as many as you have the time for. There are some who swear there is no difference between 1 layer and 5 layers and others who do. Try different things and you decide.

4. AIO can be applied on pretty much any surface. I`ve personally used it on rubber, glass, and paint with great results. I don`t recommend carnuba on the glass or vinyl/rubber.

5. You can use foam applicators, terry applicators/terry towels, and MF applicators. I have used all three and it depends on what your trying to do. In my opinion any of the three will do a great job for you.

6. For buffing, I recommend a MF towel. There are lots of people selling them. Look at some of the sponsors of Autopia as well as Patrick at Excel Detail, Ranney at Pakshak, Autofiber, and many others.

7. For wheels I usually use my premium car shampoo.

8. For tires, there are lots of opinions on what`s best and hundreds of products. I personally use Vinylex becuase I like less shine on my tires and UV protection.

9. I am unfamiliar with composite style 42 wheels.

10. I don`t have any vehicles that are Titanium Silver (or even close to it).

I highly recommend that you take your time and try different things to find the best combination for you. Good Luck!


P.S. In the future you may try to search for a particular topic to get a much more thorough answer. :)

04-25-2004, 01:38 PM
Your reply is greatly appreciated. You gave me some good ideas that I will be trying soon.


04-26-2004, 03:30 AM
As long as you are sure that your paint doesn`t require any polishing, it`s fine to use AIO and then S100/P21S. The only limitation that you can`t really build up layers of either product as far as I can tell. AIO certainly doesn`t layer, and numerous, multiple coats of S100/P21S don`t seem to help much (although it`s fun to do :D).

Also, you can`t alternate either product because AIO will remove the wax, but two coats of each will provide more even coverage though.

If you haven`t already, check out the Learn! link at the top of the page - a lot of your answers lay there. Welcome to Autopia! :welcome

04-27-2004, 12:54 AM
For some reason I`m hesitant to use any polishers, thinking that even the most mild ones will take some clear coat off.

I figure I will start gently and can always increase the "intensity" by applying a polish later if I`m not happy with AIO/S100.

Is there any advantage applying SG after AIO, I read that it`s hard to remove.

Btw, can polishers be applied by hand if I decide to do so later?

04-27-2004, 12:53 PM
I did 3 weeks worth of search here before I purchased all my polishes/wax/PC.....it can be confusing for sure.

I would recommend clay barring the car. It removes things like rail dust from your clear coat. When they shipped your car to the dealer, you got some rail dust in the clear most likely. It`s not hard to do, and I noticed an extreme difference in the feel of the paint when I did this to my car. I do it once a year now.

The AIO acts more as a "chemical cleaner". It removes waxes and other things from the surface allowing the next layer (whatever you choice) to adhere to the paint. This will get your paint squeaky clean. If you want a glossy shine and more protection put the Klasse SG on top. You can layer this for more depth, but you can only add 1 coat every 24 hours. Apply this by hand. The AIO doesn`t give this shiney look or the protection that the SG does. I`ve used both of these products.

The P21S is what will give the car a "wet" look.

Last thing, the word "polish" seems to have several meanings when discussing....it can mean glaze, sealant, compound....it`s confusing. If you have swirls that you want to remove, you need a product with some cutting ability. I use the Menzerna IP and FP with good success.

Good luck.

04-30-2004, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by FireWalker

I figure I will start gently and can always increase the "intensity" by applying a polish later if I`m not happy with AIO/S100. You have the right attitude. :xyxthumbs This is the best way to approach things if you`re not sure how much polishing, if any, your car needs.

AIO actually leaves some of its own protection behind, but it`s (reportedly) not all that durable. SG will improve the appearance and increase durability. If you haven`t heard of it, the latest rage is BillNorth`s "WOO" (or "WOWO") method for applying SG, which basically stands for "wipe on, wipe off". Search for this newer, easier method. People are saying it really works and makes SG easier to use.

Yes, you can hand apply polishes. A PC is really nothing more than a very fast hand, so anything you can do by PC you can do by hand too, BUT it is a lot more time and work. The PC is just a very nice labour saving device. :)

04-30-2004, 01:01 AM
I`m sure the topics have been discussed before, but it`s always nice to get replies to one`s own questions.